Oasis NFTs marketplace is becoming the opensea of Smart BCH

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Avatar for Idksamad7869
2 years ago


The only decentralised NFTs marketplace in Smart BCH is Oasis and it was launched couple of months back when Smart BCH was early and first NFT collection launched on oasis was $Cat NFT so that was the beginning of NFTs through oasis marketplace peoples found a platform where they can trade their NFTs with complete freedom

For me Oasis is currently best marketplace for NFTs and in future i believe oasis will stay strong in the ground even theirs so many competitor's coming ahead but oasis will still remain at top because Oasis hear us and it's decentralised so we all prefer decentralisation and friendly or better user experience and with the newly update in oasis it fixed lots of problems which made me so frustrated while using oasis but now things are changed.

I believe that "Oasis is becoming opensea of Smart BCH" and if you don't know opensea is one of the world largest NFT marketplace where peoples trade for an NFT like BAYC, Punks and much more for paying millions of dollars to buy whatever they want and oasis is becoming same trades are increasing hundreds or thousands of NFTs being traded over marketplace everyday and much more nowadays.

Being in Smart BCH we have things like doing trading of sep20 tokens, farming our favourite tokens/staking our favourite tokens and than buying our favourite NFT collection and selling them for a better profit this is how at least my life is going nowadays but too much evolved into NFTs and oasis marketplace.

Mostly watching market and bidding on NFT in oasis is thing to do everyday and now after today's oasis update it makes my life literally so easy.

The only NFT marketplace in Smart BCH

Since when oasis was newly launched it was begining of something new in smart BCH before oasis everyone was trading tokens and than we got marketplace in Smart BCH and as i said it was launched with first NFT project $Cat which is meme token and very first in Smart BCH too.

Than slowly by slowly new NFTs collection started launching and getting listed on oasis because it is decentralised their was no deep pocket things exist it was simple to launch NFT collection mint and than trade on oasis

For now it's been only few months and oasis have more than 30 different NFT collections and more than 1000 BCH being traded on oasis till now and hundreds of NFTs being sold everyday

Some popular NFTs collection In oasis

  • Cats NFTs

  • Reapers NFTs

  • Thrones NFTs

  • Gambling apes NFTs

  • Lawpunks

Cattos, lads, rats and many more are being traded every single day.

I sold my first NFT on oasis

First time when i sold NFT on oasis was just the beginning of mine into NFTs world from than i didn't looked back and sold many NFTs and bought many NFTs as well

And that time the first NFT i sold in oasis was "cattos" i minted some and listed in oasis so when someone bought it for like 0.13bch something i decided to mint more and list them than i keep buying and selling in oasis and now it's my everyday thing to do.

But after time passed away saw oasis doesn't works like before anymore.

Oasis becomes slower than usual

While NFTs collections was increasing everyday and more peoples was coming into NFTs so in result oasis nodes was little weak that's why it started lagging and was working too slow literally

And it happened to me after reapers NFT launch, oasis was loading collection too slow and my mobile was lagging only in oasis

I needed to open or refresh oasis again and again to check my own NFTs listed or cancle them

Sometimes i missed many cheap deals on oasis just because it was too slow and i threw my mobile many times like this is how frustrating it was sometimes.

Oasis new update is incredible

I didn't expected oasis new update will came this early and it is good to be honest few hours back oasis was updated and we have seen many changes, new feature and issues being solved

Like now oasis runs faster than before it loads NFT image with no time and my frustration is gone now at least better user experience now.

A new overview of oasis which is incredibly awesome i and everyone else loved this new update and overview. Later some other changes and new feature such as.

Newly listed NFTs

This feature was what i wanted most because whenever a new NFT got list in oasis auction bot doesn't redirect me to NFT and it took so long sometimes to find NFT by own so now no need to do it because

Whenever a new NFT will listed no matter which collection will be shown on oasis.

Recently sold NFTs

Now same thing with whenever a NFT will be sold it will be shown on oasis like this

So personally i loved these new changes in oasis and it's not yet finished because they included so many things.

Some interesting changes

A new wallet interface as well by clicking on wallet overview we got a new click "open wallet" and after entering in it something we desperately needed is now available their

Our outbids, auctions we won, auction we sold everything history is available and we can see which NFT was sold and NFT trading history, times a person bid on NFT and a notification section as well.

One more change they included is now english auction floor will not be count as floor anymore because peoples was intentionally destroying NFTs floor by making a English auction for a whole year with 0.00001BCH price so now this won't be counted as real floor depends on fixed and dutch auctions also no english auction will last for a year anymore.

Oasis NFT marketplace is becoming opensea of Smart BCH

With this evolving marketplace and listening to community oasis will lead and go so far with Smart BCH and I believe oasis is opensea of Smart BCH and sea of NFTs already more than 30nfts collections already and yet many are coming so little by little it's becoming a ocean

We the one who trade NFTs, the one who make and launch NFT collection on oasis is the drop of water and every drop is enough to become a ocean so it's just a beginning we will go so far.

I'm so thankful for their wonderful works and efforts to make oasis amazing and giving us a amazing platform and better user experience I don't have any complaints the only thing i wanted was fast speed and i got much more than what i wanted so just love it.

Anyways let me know what do you think about new oasis update and how's your user experience.

Have you ever sold NFT in oasis and what's your highest NFT sold.

For tomorrow I've something to share will see you again and don't forget to tell me these few things i asked.

$ 12.83
$ 12.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @Arslan0007897.
$ 0.10 from @Crackers
+ 5
Sponsors of Idksamad7869
Avatar for Idksamad7869
2 years ago


It looks like opensea but his one is much better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw the update of oasis and I can say that it's becoming cooler and awesome. I just hope too that it become fastee.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yea indeed, mine is working quite fast than before

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well if you will compare it to before it's more faster today

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have one Cattos NFT in Oasis. Still thinking if I should sell it or just hold it for a while.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Instead of holding i would like to sell mine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haven't visited oasis yet.. Im missing a lot of new NFTs lately

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, you're busy in pegaxy so still worth it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also hope to sell one of my queen NFTs very soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Queen NFTs will be sold easily as it's new king is coming ahead

$ 0.00
2 years ago