My mom mistake cost a mobile

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2 years ago


I'm back after a complete one day absence and my absence is like peace in air for some peoples but sadly it's not lasting for long

Anyways the reason behind my absence was on a travel and on mission which I'll talk

So mission was to fix my mom mistake and still not sure but have done my part just waiting for results.

Wait a minute! Don't you dare to think from mistake i meant my self no i do agree I'm her mistake and it wouldn't cost me a mobile if she never makes such a mistake

But this mistake isn't literally me it's just her one mistake and have no connection with me

Ah i thought to clear it first coz from topic it's feel like I'm going to talk about myself.

Mom took my mobile with my permission

She ain't need any permission though she asked me to let her take mobile coz she's going for groceries so will also try to fix or know cost of repairing for mobile

And i thought it's alright at least I'll have an idea or cost to repair

Also that day she took her mobile also and I've no mobile left to use that day was special coz of BCH upgrading but i missed to join live action coz of no mobile

Well actually she came back after few hour's and i got to know she had no mobile.

Leave's mobile in a local shop

I asked her about mobile and she said "Oh i leave's it in shop for fix" i was like mom what is this behaviour i only told you to confirm the error and cost to fix it

But she did a mistake leave's that mobile in a local shop and i was going mad but controlled my emotions

And said myself, the last hope for seeing that mobile working is finally dead.

She was like what's wrong with it and than i explained her the whole thing.

Reason's i never trust local shops

She was unaware and actually it was my mistake to let her take mobile but only few reason's behind this

Firstly i never trust local shop when they say leave mobile in shop for a day or more it's all fine as long as I'm standing and seeing being fixed on spot

But sound's fishy when deny to fix right now and asked to come back next day

So they can steal or make thing's even more worse that's actually happened to me before

My past experience with local shop's are horrible they've destroyed my previous mobile coz of not being professional with work and more like thief's waiting for a hunt.

On a mission to fix her mistake

The very next day i decided to go and get back my mobile before it's too late or become my regret

I woke up early like 8:30am and went to stop after waiting for 1 and half hour found bus at 10am

Now it took a long route instead of short one so i reached to my destination at 1pm like seriously it took 5 hour's to reach milestone

And than found that shop asked them to bring my mobile, replied me the guy isn't in shop i called him after half an hour he came back and i finally got my mobile

And he said nope it's not going to be fixed so i said i knew it you guy's can't.

Visited main help centre

I got less time but decided to visit their main help centre branch so maybe they'll fix my issue

Now the worst part was on website their address of office was wrong and i was asking random peoples to help me than took a tuk tuk ride

Reached there and told them my issue so he said they won't accept mobile coz it's already tried by a local shop and i knew it before

Than said they don't repair but change whole part so motherboard is gonna cost 80 to 90 percent of whole price better visit that shop.

And yea that shop was worth to leave mobile and now if they fixed it than I'll be happiest person otherwise mobile is just useless and will sell it's part's.


So this is how exactly everything happened and reason why mom went for repair was i asked her I'm not going to repair or waste a single penny on this and that's why she thought to surprise me so i know her intentions and well actually loved it.

For now I'm still tired because of last day but have Lot's of thing's to do almost month is about to end and I'm busy on one thing.

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2 years ago


Ako din walang tiwala sa mga ganyan kasi imbes na maging okay may possibility kasi na lumala yung sira.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HHmm you said it's your mom's mistake but I think it's yours for handing it to her!! Sorry for your phone, though. I hope it gets fixed no matter what!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True"ψ(`∇´)ψ i know it someone is gonna say this haha, hope so it will gets fix very soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago