Prophet Muhammad SAW

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Muhammad was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia in 570. He was a deeply spiritual man, and often spent time in meditation on Mount Hira.

The traditional story of the Qur'an tells how one night in 610 he was meditating in a cave on the mountain when he was visited by the angel Jibreel who ordered him to recite.

The revelation of the Quran is considered by Muslims to be Muhammad's greatest miracle and a miracle for all times, unlike the miracles of other prophets, which were confined to being witnessed in their own lifetimes.

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Wow your post is so good. Thanks for your article published. I really like for your article. Thanks man..

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4 years ago

You are welcome brother.I feel so honoured by ypur complement.Thank you.

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4 years ago

একবার নবীজিকে জিজ্ঞাসা করা হে, “ঈমানদার কি এখনো ভীরু হতে পারে?' তিনি বললেন, "হঁ্যা, হতে পারে।” আবার জিজ্ঞাসা করা হলাে, ‘ঈমানদার কি কখনো কৃপণ হতেপারে?'তিনি বললেন, “হঁ্যা, হতে পারে।” পুনরায় জিজ্ঞাসা করা হলাে, ‘ঈমানদার কি কখনো মিথ্যাবাদী হতে পারে?'তিনি বললেন, “হঁ্যা, হতে পারে।”

পুনরায় জিজ্ঞাসা করা হলাে, ‘ঈমানদার কি কখনো মিথ্যাবাদীহতে পারে?'

নবীজি বললেন, 'না, ঈমানদার কখনো মিথ্যাবাদী হতে পারে ।" [মুয়াত্তা মালিক: হাদিস:১৫৭১]

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4 years ago

Alhamdulillah we are blessed that we are ummah of our last prophet hazrat Muhammad(pbuh).

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4 years ago

We are blessed as we were born in a muslim family and the ummah of Muhammad SWT.

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4 years ago

We should always be thankful to Allah that He made us His (Mohammad SAW) Ummah

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4 years ago

I am not a muslim but i like this short story about prophet mohomad. I have leard it during my school hours also

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4 years ago

Thank you so much brother. Not being a Muslim you have shown respect to our prophet. Take love.

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4 years ago

Yoi are mostly welcomee. Relegious doesnt seperate us . It only brings together. May god bless u all

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4 years ago

You well say.@abothe..we are same ..religion can not be a barrier between us it makes more brotherhood.

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4 years ago

These were the qualities of the Prophet of Allah. He was loved not only by Muslims but also by people of other religions because he was very good at behaving them.

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4 years ago

I proud to be a muslim. Thanks to you to share about great person our prophet Mohammad SAW.

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4 years ago

You are most welcome. We are really proud to be muslim. We should be thankful to Allah.

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4 years ago

Thank you soooo much brother. All of us should respect each and every religion.

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4 years ago

The Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is one of the most beloved people in the world.This is what everyone is saying

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4 years ago

Yes. You are right brother. We should our life with the way our Mohammdad SAW said.

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4 years ago

Brother Plsease tel us Some that we can follow them.lets share we all

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4 years ago

Thank you abtahi tahib for your suggestion.I will try to post an article on hadis.

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4 years ago

No, I wanted everyone to share their hadiths here one by one so that everyone can know it

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4 years ago

If I am asked about a good man, I will say about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Whom God has given all the qualities

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4 years ago

He is not only good,but he is the best among the humankind.He is the mentor of us.

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4 years ago

It is a matter of great pride that we have become the followers of the Prophet MUHAMMAD SAW (peace be upon him). He has shown us all the ways to Paradise and He wants us all to go to Paradise.

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4 years ago

Our prophet cried to Allah 1400 years ago for his ummah .We are really lucky.

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4 years ago

I feel very lucky because Hazrat Mohammad (Saw) is the pioneer of us to take us in right destination

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4 years ago

All of us are lucky because we are ummah of Prophet Muhammad (please be upon him)

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4 years ago

Brother You have touch my heart.this is Name if all muslim persons love.Thank you for posting

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4 years ago

Our prophet is the best human among the the all human being.We need follow his teaching and lifestyle.

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4 years ago

There is no doubt that he had a good character,really we should follow His path

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4 years ago

Our Prophet Muhammad (s) is the greatest example of humanity. He leads his whole life very simply. He was very punctual. We feel proud to be a muslim, we are very lucky because we are ummah of Prophet Muhammad (s).

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4 years ago

Thank you sister for your comment. We have to follow the teaching of our prophet.

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4 years ago

You're most welcome. Amader prio Nobi Karim (s) sorbo kaler sorbosreshtho Nobi. Tini Islamer adorsho. Amader shokoler uchit tar prodorshito poth onushoron kore chola.

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4 years ago

He is the ideal of our life. If we follows his saying i hope most of our problems will be solved.

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4 years ago

Islam is the religion of peace. Islam never tells us to make violence. But many people make violence.

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4 years ago

because of these people the ideal of islam can not be maintained.

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4 years ago

Thank you man for sharing this article. He is the best greast man in this world. He is the idel in our whole wrold people

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4 years ago

we have to follow the commandment of Allah SWT and the teaching of prophet Muhammad SAW.

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4 years ago

Amin. Every one must try his lice to follow the muhammad saw. I wish i can follow the whole thing

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4 years ago

Thanks for sharing. May allah bless youInam always your side.

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4 years ago

Thank yoy soooooo much apu.May Allah please be upon all of wishes.Good luck.

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4 years ago

Please bro supporting me

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4 years ago

Prophet Mohamed ( s) the messenger of God.we are very lucky in the world becoz we are ummah of prophet Muhammad (s).

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4 years ago

we born in a mulsim family and we are the ummah of Hazrat Muhammad SWA. thats why we are so lucky.

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4 years ago

This Is Very Good.i am feeling so proud that everyone giving so much comment on this Article

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4 years ago

Thanks to all of you for giving me support.Take care and take love.Best of luck.

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4 years ago

আমাদের নবী উম্মতদের খুব ভালবাসতেন।মৃতুর মুহুর্তে ও তিনি উম্মতদের কথা চিন্তা করে অনেক কেদেছেন।কিন্তু আজ আমরা উনার দেখিয়ে দেওয়া পথে চলছি না

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4 years ago

আমাদের সবারই প্রিয় নবী হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ)।তিনি সম্পূর্ণ জীবন শুধু আল্লাহর ইবাদত এবং ইসলাম প্রচারে কাটিয়েছেন

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4 years ago

Yes.Our prophet lived his life very simply .He never wasted any food and never wasted any money.

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4 years ago

Brother i will Suggest You to write more On our Prophet Mohammad SAW.because we muslims Love to read about Him

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4 years ago

I will write more InshaAllah. Keep me in your prayer. Take care and take love.All the best.

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4 years ago

I wonder about which other prophets you speak. So Mohammed was in a cave meditating, he heard saw things and that made him more special than the others? What about Mozes, Jozef, etc? They heard and saw things too?

If you would make more of article out of this and gave your thoughts/opinion about this subject it would fit into the community Share Some Thought and/or Freewriting. Those few basic lines are not enough.

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4 years ago

Thank you soooo much brother. I will try to more InshaAllah. May Allah please be upon all of us.

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4 years ago

Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said share what you know with people.I think This Platform made that opportunity for Us

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4 years ago