Bearing fruit

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Avatar for Ibitoye20
2 years ago
Topics: Spiritual, Christian

Bearing fruit is mandatory, and if you fail to bear fruit, then you are in existence without a purpose and a life without a purpose has no meaning and life without meaning has no significance and a life without significance is a wasted life. if you refuse to bear fruit, then you have no reason to be in existence. Matt. 3:8-9, fruit is the outward expression of the inward nature.

The fruitfulness of a tree depends on its rootfulness. When you bear fruit, it gives you identity; the word of God revealed that by their fruit, they shall be known Matt. 7:16a. Your fruits made Christ be seen and by bearing fruit, the kingdom of God is preached, this propels the unbelievers to come to the knowledge of God. Spiritual fruits reflect the personality of the one that resides in you.

A cut-off branch cannot bear fruits; therefore, you must remain in Christ in order to bear fruit. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, God is the husbandman and in order to bear fruit, you must be pruned and you must have a healthy fellowship with God with a view to receive godly instructions. You must live to please God by allowing God to influence your decisions at all times. John 8:29. There is need to wait on God by reading the word of God, have a healthy meditation, obedience to the commandment of God and above you must be filled with the Holy Spirit of God – God is the source of all authority, He is the possessor of ultimate authencity Rom. 13:1

A spiritually minded believer is a bearing fruit one because he places God above all and gives priority to the things of God. He remains consistent and not ready to shift ground.

The union must be sustained that is union between Christ and the church. Not just fruits, but right fruits because some produced sour fruits, but ensure you produce fruits that will glorify God.

Fruit bearing is an evidence of spiritual and physical productivity.

The fact that the Holy Spirit of God resides, He prompts us to bear fruit for the sake of the kingdom

He sent you to the earth in order to manifest Him and fulfills His agenda – you are sent to reclaim the lost territory. A fruit bearing is a man of authority because of his divine connection with all knowing God, all powerful God and all self-sufficient God. A fruit bearing person is well connected with personality that has power above every other power. A fruit bearing power is residing with a fruit bearing believer. Mark 16:17-18.

The Spiritual authority of a fruit bearing believer cannot be ridiculed and questioned – Matt. 28:18 Jesus Christ received the authority and He handed over same to his disciples in order to carry God His will – Luke 9:1, Act 3:6-8

Brethren, you are expected to bear fruits

Oh Lord, purge and prune me in order to bear fruit abundantly.

Oh Lord, give me grace to abide in you in order to bear good fruits for your kingdom.

NB: Having fasted and prayed for good forty days without negotiation, fruit bearing is the next line of action. 15:1-8

Bearing fruit is mandatory, and if you fail to bear fruit, then you are in existence without a purpose and a life without a purpose has no meaning and life without meaning has no significance and a life without significance is a wasted life. if you refuse to bear fruit, then you have no reason to be in existence. Matt. 3:8-9, fruit is the outward expression of the inward nature.

The fruitfulness of a tree depends on its rootfulness. When you bear fruit, it gives you identity; the word of God revealed that by their fruit, they shall be known Matt. 7:16a. Your fruits made Christ be seen and by bearing fruit, the kingdom of God is preached, this propels the unbelievers to come to the knowledge of God. Spiritual fruits reflect the personality of the one that resides in you.

A cut-off branch cannot bear fruits; therefore, you must remain in Christ in order to bear fruit. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, God is the husbandman and in order to bear fruit, you must be pruned and you must have a healthy fellowship with God with a view to receive godly instructions. You must live to please God by allowing God to influence your decisions at all times. John 8:29. There is need to wait on God by reading the word of God, have a healthy meditation, obedience to the commandment of God and above you must be filled with the Holy Spirit of God – God is the source of all authority, He is the possessor of ultimate authencity Rom. 13:1

A spiritually minded believer is a bearing fruit one because he places God above all and gives priority to the things of God. He remains consistent and not ready to shift ground.

The union must be sustained that is union between Christ and the church. Not just fruits, but right fruits because some produced sour fruits, but ensure you produce fruits that will glorify God.

Fruit bearing is an evidence of spiritual and physical productivity.

The fact that the Holy Spirit of God resides, He prompts us to bear fruit for the sake of the kingdom

He sent you to the earth in order to manifest Him and fulfills His agenda – you are sent to reclaim the lost territory. A fruit bearing is a man of authority because of his divine connection with all knowing God, all powerful God and all self-sufficient God. A fruit bearing person is well connected with personality that has power above every other power. A fruit bearing power is residing with a fruit bearing believer. Mark 16:17-18.

The Spiritual authority of a fruit bearing believer cannot be ridiculed and questioned – Matt. 28:18 Jesus Christ received the authority and He handed over same to his disciples in order to carry God His will – Luke 9:1, Act 3:6-8

Brethren, you are expected to bear fruits

Oh Lord, purge and prune me in order to bear fruit abundantly.

Oh Lord, give me grace to abide in you in order to bear good fruits for your kingdom.

NB: Having fasted and prayed for good forty days without negotiation, fruit bearing is the next line of action.

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Avatar for Ibitoye20
2 years ago
Topics: Spiritual, Christian


God created us to spread his multiply amd it means to multiplyin goodness and praise and glorify him as our only one god.Bear fruit of goodness and speak only about his glory.

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2 years ago