Feb-Ibig Rants on V-Day

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2 years ago

Good Morning and Happy new week it's Monday, February 14th and today is a special day because of Heart's day. So let me greet each and everyone a Happy Hearts 💖💖💖 Day. May your day be filled with love and Your new week with many blessings in tow. Show everyone that we can love one another as to how the Lord loves us. Blessed Day ahead lovely people here on read.

I want to greet happy Feb-ibig to this wonderful person my sponsors here on this amazing platform. You can check their awesome articles and I can assure you that all we're worthy of your time.

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Feb-ibig Day to All of You

Image from georgevslife.com

It's February 14 and Saint Valentines Day. This day is to commemorate the death of the patron saint of love. So today I have expected many were dating on this day even not with your special someone our family is on the list of our date. And we can have our friends go out with Valentine's is not only for a couple it is for everybody so lets spread love and love to everyone. Happy Valentines to this lovely couple @Lucifer01 and @Lara888 Congratulations to both of you. More months of love and happiness. Remember I'm just here if you need some advice, my dearest friends.

So happy Feb-Ibig everyone may you find love in everything that surrounds you. Express always what you felt we do not know what tomorrow will bring so always tell your loved ones I love you my dearest so you will not have regrets in your hearts. Feb-ibig, always express your feeling who know you can find your soulmate don't be afraid to show what you feel my friend for you can end up alone and lonely in life.

Love is like a gamble you need to play your cards well so you will find happiness. Although we may not win always do not worry for that is life. We win and lose. But what matters is we try to look for our love, to look for our partner in our life. So don't hesitate in trying ok. But always remember that do not force love for it will give bitterness. Let's find someone who appreciates and reciprocate our feelings. Let is find someone who truly loves us. Do not be too fast because true love waits. And it is the sweetest when you work hard just to get the love of your dreams.

So happy Feb-ibig day to all always stay in love and be happy. Thank you my dearest for being with me. Thank you for always finding time to visit and read my humble articles. Bless you, always, and Stay Safe.

Prayers and Hugs @IamAshrone

All rights reserved @IamAshrone 
Lead image from wazzuppilipinas.com
All credits were properly given.

$ 0.77
$ 0.61 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.03 from @Lucifer01
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Avatar for IamAshrone
2 years ago


This sounded more like a rave than a rant :D Anyway, always give love and be willing to accept love as well :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much my dear.. that's so sweet. Happy valentine's day to you cutie ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hello my friend thank you and happy hearts day as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago