Bitcoin Mining

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3 years ago

The backbone of the Bitcoin network is also represented by Bitcoin miners. They are responsible for generating new Bitcoins through the process of mining, validating transactions and ensuring that the network remains stable.

Bitcoin miners

A bitcoin miner really refers to a specialized machine that solves complicated problems with computing. Today, in thermally controlled mining warehouses that have access to low-cost electricity, most mining takes place.

As an individual, mine is no longer profitable unless you have access to free electricity (which college students have sometimes used to their advantage). It is almost impossible to cover operational expenses without entering a mining pool, as block incentives occur too seldom due to the laws of probability.

Cooperating miners consent in mining pools to share block rewards in proportion to their mining hash power contributed.

Hash power, or hash rate, simply refers to the speed at which an operation in the Bitcoin code can be performed by a mining machine. The higher the hash rate, the greater the likelihood that the next block in the blockchain will be identified and a reward will be earned.

How it works

Three things are done by mining:

  1. Emission of new Bitcoins.

  2. Transaction validation on the network.

  3. Securing the network of bitcoin

It enables them to chain together blocks for transactions (hence the "blockchain") as mining machines solve complex computing problems on the bitcoin network.

The method of mining is what issues new Bitcoins, unlike a central bank that can issue new units of a currency at any time. New Bitcoins are awarded to miners every 10 minutes. In addition to new Bitcoins, miners also receive transaction fees that are paid to the network by users any time a transaction is made.

During the mining process, transactions sent to the Bitcoin network are validated because miners insert these transactions into their blocks. It becomes a stable and full part of the Bitcoin network when a transaction is embedded in a block.


On the Bitcoin network, it is called a hash to address a cryptographic query. The hash of each block includes the hash of the previous block, and a hash function is considered one of the mathematical puzzles solved by miners, which means finding the input to an equation given its output.

These mathematical puzzles become more complicated as the Bitcoin network expands, and so more hash power is needed, which translates to more time, energy and money.

Bitcoin uses the consensus algorithm for Proof of Work (PoW). What makes the network safe is that the block must be validated by a majority of miners for a block of transactions to be added to the blockchain ledger. More than 51% of the total hash power would be sufficient for a malicious miner who wants to inject invalid transactions into the blockchain, which would be incredibly expensive in terms of mining machinery and energy.

PoW guarantees that any action on the Bitcoin network needs significant effort to be performed, such as a transfer being transmitted between two wallets. In addition, computational puzzle complexity is proportional to the number of miners. Any attack on the network would then take so much computing power that, because of the costs involved, it would be redundant.

How miners make money

When they build new blocks, miners are rewarded with bitcoin. Most miners will immediately sell ample amounts of their newly minted Bitcoin back to the ecosystem to cover their expenses, while their treasury will maintain the unsold balance.

$ 7.07
$ 7.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago


Is bitcoin mining profitable at home?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It will depend on the cost in your electricity. If you are living in a cold country. I think it is

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago