Weight Loss and Diet Tips PART-1
Weight Loss and Diet Tips PART
To begin with everybody gets the same 24 hours in a day. If your 24 hours goes by without exercising (for example) you've just demonstrated what is REALLY important to you and what is not. Most of us have busy schedules. It comes down to simply looking at your schedule and MAKING the time to cook healthier, eat better, and exercise. Like Nike says: JUST DO IT!
We admit that we got this "HABIT" from a famous author. The way that it applies to weight loss has to do with goal setting. If today you weigh 185 lbs. and have 45% body fat then it is important to set goals that are VERY specific. Decide that you want to fit into a size 8, or you want to be able to run two miles without stopping four times per week. Another example might be that you want to get your body fat below 20%. Decide what the SPECIFIC objectives are that you want to obtain (The End), and get started (The Beginning)! Also, make sure that you write down what your goals are and post them in a place where you will see it regularly. Yet another famous author once said that a goal not written down is only a wish. Another reason why this tip is so important is that what may have worked great for your close friend may not work so well with you or vice versa. Being specific in what you want to obtain and how you are going to obtain it is essential if you hope to have any long-term success in losing weight. It gives you a plan that you can then carry out. We can't emphasize enough the importance of customizing your approach and your plan for losing weight.
You'll be amazed to discover how much food you really eat when you start keeping a log of your diet. If we were to have you write down all the food that you think you ate in the last week and then we showed you the video of the guy we had following you around with a video camera taping you eat, you'd be amazed about all that went into your mouth. It's easy to forget about the extra pringles that we ate or all that we nibbled on while we were cooking dinner. Write everything down! If you put a tic tac in your mouth then write it down! You should find that this helps you to identify your eating patterns such as when and why you snack, what you snack on, how many helpings you have, what time of day you eat dinner, how late you eat at night, and so on. The same goes for exercising. It is very easy to let a day-then a week- then a couple weeks-and before you know it months or years go by without exercising. All of us have been guilty of it before. When you write down what you did that day to burn some calories it won't be long before you look forward to not only the exercise but writing down that you did it. Looking at a calendar of last month and seeing if full of a variety of exercises throughout the month is a very gratifying experience. Realistically if you don't write it down how can you possibly monitor your progress? Don't take our word for it. Try it and you'll see for yourself.
We have mentioned already the importance of exercise in general. Let us say here that a very specific type of exercise that we recommend is weight training. Not only do we recommend it, it's essential. Lifting weights is the only way to tone the body and have that firm feeling. The more muscle you have the easier time you will have losing the unwanted pounds because it's the muscle that burns the fat. Get off the couch and go to the gym and start weight lifting. If you can afford it, hire a personal trainer at the gym because he or she will push you harder than you'll push yourself. If your thinking you can just lift weights at your house: FORGET IT! Unless you have all the equipment that your local gym does you simply won't be able to do as much for your muscles and your body. Here's two more reasons why you should go to the gym instead of trying to work out at home:
#1. There are too many distractions at your house and you know it. The kids may need you, the phone may ring, somebody may come over, and then there's the refrigerator and the couch. Get the point? There are too many things that can (and will) happen at your house to cut your workout short or distract you from it altogether.
#2. At the gym there is nothing else to but work out. Makes sense doesn't it? If you set two hours out of your day to go to the gym you know for sure that for that two hours you'll certainly be working out.
If you know you have a class reunion you'll be attending next year or the wedding of your best friend don't wait until 3 weeks before the event to start getting the weight off. The optimum pace for losing weight and keeping it off long term is about 2-3 pounds per week depending slightly on factors such as gender, age, and the amount of weight we are talking about. Generally, however anything much more than three pounds per week means that you are probably losing muscle instead of all fat like you want and may be doing harm to your metabolism. Be patient, don't rush, work hard and the weight will come of gradually. Usually the more gradual the weight loss the better chances you have of keeping the weight off for the long haul.
Thank you so much for reading till last!
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