"I am too busy today can we chat tomorrow" this is a most common sentence which we heard on daily basis but is it we really are too busy to not have enough time to say hello, how are you? and how was the day? These three sentences to each other.
Sentences seem too short but they really play a huge rule to make your relationship strong to make other people realize that even you are busy you are available for him /her.
There is a saying: If thing matters for you you can make time for it even from your busy schedule here the thing isn't about being busy here comes the fact to give priority to someone.
How much that person is important in your life.
If you have a person who always had time for you even in his /her busy schedule never lose him /her because not everyone is free for you.
Don,t be too busy that you don,t even have time to spend with your loved ones they are the one for whom you are earning all this money.
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Regards: Hira Gill
Priority is essential in the human race. Else, u'l loose focus