3 best books to read

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3 years ago


As we all know books are the biggest leader in this word. books not just told us the way to get success in fact books to provide us new patterns for thinking. If we read about any successful man so you guys understand that books have a very great role in their lives.

so today I'm going to share about three books from where I learned a lot and they have a great impact on my life.

1. Don't sweat the small stuff

The author of this book is Richard Carlson and guys may also find this book with Urdu translation, the name of this book in Urdu is "mamoli baton se mat ghabren".  In this book, Richard describes how to deal with the small problems and tensions we face in our life. For example in this book, he said we need to think before using our conflicts. Moreover, he said we have to spend all the days of life like it's the last one.

This book is the best to guide to deal with problems so must read this book.

2. 48 laws of power

The author of this book is Robert Greene. Robert read the history of the last 3000 years and then he combines 48 laws and presents this book in the market. He researches all the famous and powerful people that how they came to power. In this book, the first law which Robert presents is ''Never outshine the master'' 

Must read this book because after reading this book you ay found a positive change in communication with others. 

3. The power of habit

The author of this book is Charles Duhigg. In this book, he uses scientific discoveries to describe how our habits are a form, how we change habits, and how to start new habits. In this book, he gives a great solution to change habits.

Must read this book if you guys wanna change your habits.

These are few books that seem very interesting to me that's why I planned to share with you guys too.

I have already shared this post on uptrend you can see through click on this link(https://www.uptrennd.com/post-detail/3-best-books-to-read~NTUzMjYz)

thanks for reading

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Avatar for Hira
Written by
3 years ago


Thanks for your kind and useful information about those books..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha!!!!! I think we should read the power of habbit . Lol 😋

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Seriously..i have noted these name..and will hopefully get these books soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Books are your friend, books are source of knowledge.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes books are our friend. We should read it on daily basis because we can get a lot of knowledge through it. Thanx for sharing the best books

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Book is Friend of us they give alot of Knowledge without any Travels or sufferers the Hardships

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The book is a human companion. If a person takes it with him, this companion takes him to every destination.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Book is a good friend. We should read it on daily basis. It gain our knowledge.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

books are really great teacher

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3 years ago