I will escape one day Ch. 4

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3 years ago

I finally found time to edit this and um... make it less focused on the sex (.///.) and more on the thoughts. enjoy!

These are the first chapters in the case that you didn't get to read that

Chapter 1: Sold

Chapter 2: Training

Chapter 3: I never noticed her before

Chapter 4: Auction

The day of his 13th birthday had come. The day his dignity was to be sold to the highest bidder. Perhaps he never did have any dignity left to begin with since that day but he had still hoped that his first time would have been with someone he truly wanted to hold. And as the bids on him got higher and higher, the more he wished he could escape right then and there and run back to the little haven he had soon made his friend. Sadly, having a share in his auction sales would be enough help. It would start him off with a little savings to eventually buy his freedom off of the man that he now calls his boss. Maybe enough to afford him a life on foreign lands that were more accepting of his appearance.

At the stroke of midnight, the auction was concluded. The bid for his head landed close to a million yuan, which was honestly more than anything anyone would have anticipated and given the era he belonged to, it was way too much just for a night. But the price was paid, and he was finally settled into the room he was assigned to. The lady didn’t have a figure that would be called repulsive, on the contrary, her body seemed like one which people would die to have even just for a night, yet here he was, still hoping to find an escape from the events to come. He was trained for this, that’s what kept buzzing through his head, Mo Chou had made him use those practice dolls just for this. He needed to please this lady but how would he when he’s never truly held a woman before.

The minutes that passed by seemed to never end, he was hoping the woman wouldn’t show up at all or get lost in another room but in a few more minutes, there she was, wine bottle in hand and all. He’s never had alcohol before so he had hoped she wouldn’t make him drink. Unfortunately, asking to do so seemed to be a bad move because he was talked more into having that drink, as well as receiving those indecent touches that seemed to go higher and higher up his crotch. Everything was too uncomfortable to him

“Hey, are you really a virgin?”

The woman asked. The alcohol wafted in with her breath, she was definitely drunk even before she got here. It explained why she wanted to directly go into the deed. The nod of his head didn’t seem to matter much to her, if anything; it only seemed to excite her. She soon got up from the seat she had taken beside him then proceeded to remove her accessories one by one. He could only look away in embarrassment the moment she had started undoing the strings of her dress

“Help me out here”

her voice grew heavy with seduction, yet did it work for him?  Not at all. He was still far too flustered to even want to make direct eye contact but he still untangled as much of the knotted strings until the fabric of her dress fell to the floor. It was amazing how she didn’t seem flustered at all, on the contrary, that grin on her lips seemed to show how happy she was to be rid of all clothing. And how excited she was to rid John of his clothes as well. She was experienced with things like this; he concluded the fact as he was pushed onto the bed and was stripped of his pants the moment his back hit the mattress. She definitely knew what she had to do when her soft lips started littering kisses along the skin of his thighs and when she slowly started making small licks along his manhood. It seemed satisfying to her to hear how her actions seemed to have affected him to the point that he was growing breathless even just from having his length inside her mouth. The question of who was really the worker here came to mind but the woman did say not to worry and assured him that his first experience would definitely be something he would remember.

It really was something worth remembering and for that moment, all shame seemed to have been thrown out the window when John held her by the nape to keep her head still as his hips moved on their own accord. He wasn’t expecting such a bold move on his part but she moved so slowly. So teasingly slow that if he went along with her pace, it would drive him insane.

The woman didn’t even seem to mind though, if anything, it amused her. Even as she pulled away from his length, the glint of amusement in her orbs surely showed how satisfied she was upon seeing his full hardness. She didn’t waste enough time with anything else and in one swift motion, she was soon perched atop John and simply moved her hips in ways that pleased her. Eventually he also started moving his body in the ways that gave his body pleasure. Various positions were tried and the night didn’t seem to end with how much the woman had managed to do with his body.

He had fulfilled his first night of providing service for someone. It wasn’t much of a terrifying experience he thought, but as he helped her get dressed and fix herself in front of the mirror, he realized just how meaningless the deed was to her. A simple matter of thanks and a promise for another night such as this one was exchanged, and then she was gone.

Alone, john was again in that room. Left to his own thoughts; and might he say, the thoughts that followed after such a shameful act with a stranger was something he could never be proud of. So that was what servicing a person would entail. Who knew things like this could feel so empty after. As he lied back down on the very same bed that was so busy just moments ago, he couldn’t help but think of how Ying Yue would have reacted upon learning of the things he would do from then on. He would have to avoid her for a while

Chapter 5: Shame

I have no idea how far I can go with erotica here ;;-;; the original version (the one in my journal) was actually naughtier than this... but I don't want to get banned because of porn stuff so forgive me

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3 years ago


I was thinking that it was Ying Yue who he spent the night with, but she is so young so it is impossible. Or maybe she's the onw who's going to change his life, you know buy him completely, dress him feed him and be her boy toy. It's just a thought.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just wait and see. I'm struggling to continue any of my series without a laptop or desktop, honestly. I can't format the way i want to and i don't think ying yue would be the kind who would want a boy toy when she has humble parenting as a merchant's daughter

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, and she's merely a child. Butbthe woman is an expert, or what if it's his mother? Incest? I can just only wait, take your time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nahh, i think his mother is fixated still on the foreigner she had wanted to elope with and is his biological father. I don't want to include incest here since that calls for... more explicit content i might actually get banned 😂😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really, rigjt rigjt. So I might get banned because of it ?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You might, if it's too violebt, graphic or pornographic :"" that's why I'm limiting what i write here half the time

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmm, I should ne careful then.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I guess? Your articles scared me at some point. It seemed so graphic ;;-;;

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am waiting for the continuation of this @Hanzell 🙄😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oof i forgot about john- but I've been busy finishing grad requirements :""

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh i see. Good luck to you then. I will wait for the continuation of this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hopefully by the end of the week i can go on with the next chapters

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh this erotic episode is good at least it moderate, John is really beating himself.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A simple matter of thanks and a promise for another night such as this one was exchanged, and then she was gone. Subscribers done year

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mygasshh my innocent self hahah nee chan don't be so mean with john 😭huehue13 yr old boy? I kennat, marerealize mo din talaga na di lang babae yung naabused like this :<

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That was my point here ;-; in this chapter. It's normalized for females to be prostituted and abused and all but what about the guys that get to experience this. People just sheug it off and think "nasarapan naman sya, okay lang yun" when in reality, it's just as bad. Maybe worse sometimes

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kaya nga people should open their minds. Gusto naman ng lahat ng respect kastress lang yung iba na iniisip girls are always the victim.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's why there's such a thing as women overempowerment na. We've already passed the point of equality now that equality and woman empowerment is abused na.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This greet me when i came online awhile ago. But i went back to chap. 3 before reading in here and dont expect it to be a hot one😁. So sad for a 13 year old boy to have experience like this at such young age. I have a 13 yr old son and i can't imagine him doing something against his will specially when his reputation is at stake. 😢. But anyways, i'm waiting for the next chapter. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Had to cut out the rest of those hot scenes out because i fear for my account 😂😂😂😂 but i based on the average legal age of consent and the age where a man is usually done with circumcision but yeah. I have no idea why I'm torturing my characters like this- but he'll have a happy ending eventually :""

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will wait for it... 😁 I want him to have a happy ending also.. Too much of his bad experience. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well it's gonna get ugly before it gets pretty, as they say. I just need to figure out the best ways to edit out the sex stuff because apparently, 16 year old me wrote too much porn

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thats the essence of the story.. It will be boring if its all about happiness. How old are you now? 16?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True. And i don't believe in too much happiness. It makes everything weird.

I'll be 23 tomorrow 😭😭😭 I'm getting old

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oooh happy birthday in advance! Yeah... Its really weird. You imagine meeting people on the road and everyone is smiling and laughing.. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank youu but i don't celebrate it. Bf is excited to though, even if it's just video call

Would feel like people are on drugs or something. Very creepy ;-;

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Even though, i still greet you. Me as well don't celebrate.. But i don't skip on baking cake or preparing something even a simple dish for the fam when my kids have their bdays.

You got it.. 😅🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well mom's getting me takoyaki tomorrow because I'm not that big a fan of cakes now? That's good enough a celebration , i think?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its alright... Whats imporatNt is we are well and alive 😊

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3 years ago