Joy in the little things
Life is already hard as it is now but that doesn't mean they are still not things we could derive pleasure from doing. The statement "it is the little things that matter" is so right in is many ways yet very simple. Take a moment, close your eyes and try to find those things that make you happy.
The sad part about all of this is that we don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. This should be fun, a good way to start the day by simply appreciating what we have now.
Take a deep breath, breathe in and breathe out, how does that feel, refreshing right? The ability to do that is exactly what separates life from death and we do this freely.
As I write this article, they are people in the hospitals who can't do this without breathing aid, how they wish for what you had yet you don't even appreciate it enough.
I've always imagined how much it would cost if a price had to pay just to breathe, how would it be measured, it would probably be expensive too because it would be high in demand, the whole world might just descend into extinction.
Plants need the air we breathe out (Carbon (iv) oxide just as we depend on what they give out (oxygen), and that creates a balance, but if we aren't giving out any and dying off, eventually the plants will die too, then, what would be left?
You can see how an activity that we even carry out without effort could just as well lead to death. As I mentioned earlier, it's the little things.
I love you
Saying these 3 magic words can change a person's life for the better. You don't just have to say it, you can show it in your actions.
I can still remember the first time I said the words - "I love you". I was only 13 years old yet I knew exactly what those words meant, surprisingly that word has lost its meaning today
Love is the greatest gift of all. To be able to love someone and show it is one of the greatest gifts to be given to mankind.
A lot of people out there are alive but not "alive", depression and pressure have become a status quo for most, a random show of love and care is enough to save such a person from the mental prison he had subjected himself to.
Your senses
Your eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin play a major role in our daily lives. Imagine if you could no longer see, how would you appreciate the good things of life, imagine if you couldn't smell, that would just be awful especially for those of us who loves eating, the aroma of the meal goes a long way in arousing our appetite.
Imagine if you could no longer taste, I experienced this earlier last year and I was panicking. I knew I was hungry but it couldn't be satisfied because the food felt empty in my mouth. I can't even describe the feeling accurately. The skin itself is made up of receptors that pick up information like cold, warmth, pain. Without these senses, we can't truly say we are alive.
I was fortunate to make some new friends through and one Of them is @Julsbaby, since we couldn't meet physically, we had a video chat where she was quick to pick up on a flaw I've had an issue with with with - " smiling".
I always have this serious face unless I'm around people that I'm comfortable with, she pointed out that smiling makes people comfortable around you. I don't know but I have a good feeling she had just solved my friendship issues. When we smile or laugh, we release certain chemicals that promote good health.
Smiling is also contagious, have you been among a gathering, and suddenly you see everyone laughing and without even knowing why you also join in? That's how beautiful smiling is.
It's a necessary social attribute that we need to inculcate in our day-to-day interactions.
I wouldn't be able to touch every aspect of the topic but feel free to add suggestions. I love you all my friends
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Truly saying that love can change a person as well as the negative things around us. Through telling I love you can cause a big impact to someone's lives. It boost confidence and can create peace.