The Problems Of Being Extremely beautiful

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We often have time for the challenges of not looking great in a looks-obsessed world. But spare a thought for that more unusual problem: that of being too Beautiful....

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It sounds paradoxical to talk of the problems of being beautiful, when we're so alive to all the advantages that goes with possessing sculpted cheekbones, beautiful smooth clear skin, copious amounts of hair, manifest colour of eyes and lips, an ideal nose, long slender legs and well-moulded ankles.

But oddly, being beautiful isn't problem-free. There are a range of ailments (too little discussed) that go with being extremely beautiful, and we should all perhaps know a bit more about.

Here are seven of the greatest problems of being beautiful;

1. You are boring;

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The likely hood of having nothing to say is so high with you, because since were young, you've never had to begin a conversation. "They had to crack the jokes", just for the pleasure of seeing you smile.

Indeed, you've often wanted to put people off!. Being a bit boring has been a sort of survial strategy, it's the only way to stop people pestering you.

2. You're weird about your body;

In bed you're always wondering, is it me or is it my body they want?.

You want to be loved for the whole of who you are, but your posterior is so fantastic it over shadows everything else.

You want to be appreciated for something about you that isn't your body, take for instance, "you want to be appreciate for your take on the French novels", "your loyalty and love to your troubled sister", "your views on a particular storyline, circumstance or philosophy" etc....

But even when people say the right things or do ask you about that, the fears won't go away. They make no sense. In your head, "why would anyone care?".

3. Everyone assumes you're stupid;

View pictures in App save up to 80% data.People Don't wait to find out, their imagination simply refused to picture you carefully unpicking a page on Plato, analyzing the state's economy, doing math during free time etc.

They like the idea of you being a bit dimmed. You can't be beautiful and understand nuclear physics, that will be too much good fortune ending up in one place. Everyone just simply insists you can't be smart.

4. No-one imagines you have any problems;

Fortune people feel has smiled on you already, you can't need anything, and that's why they hate you!

A fair few people just like finding fault with you. They feel you need to be shown that you are nothing special, although you never claimed to be. They are using you to vent their frustrations with life in general.

You're fair game. You are too beautiful they think ever to be hurt.

5. You are most at times assumed to be rude;

View pictures in App save up to 80% data.People are terrified to approach you at times, they assumed you most think highly of yourself to ever be nice.

You have it all. They never imagine you getting your fair share of insecurities a day. You are perfection in all form and this sometimes leaves you lonely and single.

6. Ageing is worse for you;

View pictures in App save up to 80% data.. You've a rare fear. You know your body is ideal..... At least for now. That's why getting older terrifies you alot.

"Yesterday, you found another wrinkle!", " A pimple just popped up", "Your left knee twingles when you climb the stairs" etc.

You've got so much to lose; the attentions, the admiration, the love..... You look in the mirror and you fore-see a wretch. For being so high, the fall will be harder.

Fortunately, the problems of being very beautiful are traziant(worldwide). Thankfully no one stays at the peak of loveliness for long. Time will take all the troubles away.

In a few years, most certainly your looks would have lost their uncanny perfection. Your physique will shed it's grace, you will be nice enough looking though but you will no longer be one of the outstandingly attractive ones and you will no longer share in unique but very real and very under appreciated troubles..

thanks for reading and God bless you. Don't forget to follow me so you will get notifications on my next post and also leave a like and comment your personal opinion on this.... Thanks you and stay safe

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Lol explicit

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User's avatar Bun
3 years ago

So sad

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3 years ago

Nice article

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3 years ago