What's cooking (Exams)

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago

January 27, 2022

What's up readers! Good day from here and I hope everyone is having a good day. In a couple of days time, our new month will be over. It is on its countdown and all the past days has been good but seems like yesterday though.

What has been cooking is completely done for me now as I am about to enter what me and my friends call "hibernation mode" πŸ˜‚. In other words, "Examination mode". Soon , it will be time to mind our business, time to take some hibernation and get things to fall on its right places.

Often times as a kid, I ask myself why we have "examination" in school. To my poor self then, class test should be enough. At least, your learning ability are being tested after classes and if you can do well in the test, then it means you are a pro in the course; you already learnt what you were being taught. I used to ask myself why we must take examinations before we get to the next level of education after writing a test..

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This question I got to know the answer as time goes on. I learnt the answers to my questions with time and funny enough, I wasn't the only person that ever asked this question. I realized that an average student once asked him/herself why we must write examinations in all courses before moving on to the next level.

Exam is so much important both inside and outside school. Taking an examinations is a time to work on ourselves and a time of trial to tell what we have and how much we can do with what we have. I see it sometimes as a way of building self confidence. In schools, we are being taught and after that, we are given a test to write immediately or later on. Our teachers have delivered their message and have seen their job through but, did we a s students get what the teacher is trying to impact on us? Can we make something out of our understanding and put it into practice? This I guess is the need to test the students after building them in your direction as a teacher.

The results of every test written is always made known to the writers for the students to see what they have written and their level of understanding towards a particular subject. This is a very important part of writing a test.

As I grow up, I grow in more knowledge and my thinking conforms to a higher level and this are due to the impact of having been tested. For there's a believe that when one is tested, he is trusted. We move up to higher levels on our education because we have been tested and trusted. That is why some persons have to repeat a particular class for failure. From every students school days till present, all have undergone series of test and examinations that qualifies them to be in their current level now.

Even outside school or education, there is a special need that we examine ourselves. On the course of this examination, we may find faults around or within us. These faults when fixed is a sure way to get going and move forward with life.

In schools, to pass a test relies on The hand of the student. I still remember one of my teachers telling us that we must not all pass our test that it is never compulsory, if you do the right things, you will succeed and if you do the wrong thing, it is left for you to decide your faith. To me, I have always believed that to pass an examination or test is easy... To me, it as simple as attending classes and following up on what the teacher is saying, decode the message and read meaning to that and during test, give them back to the teacher in question..

That has been my assumption and believe and not just me, every students have this believe lightly inside them. But I can't really tell what happens when when exam comes, even me myself failed so many times before getting to this level now. Something must be tricky with this thing called examination.

The shocking part is that, after spending times at night, trying to read a whole lots of materials, having sleepless nights and mindful days on reading, I still sometimes not write to my expectations. When the result is out, I find to see that some of the courses I believe to do excellent turns to be the one I do less on. This tricky has remained a mystery to me.

School has been cooking and it about time it gets done for me. I am still preparing myself for any kind of dish or may serve to me. I hate it when it serves bitter to me. I am preparing myself to have a good dish and enjoy my meal wether hot or cold. This coming exam period I know will be no fun but makes no difference. I am prepared for it and can't wait no more to see it done and dusted.

Thanks for reading and have a blissful day. Love πŸ’– from Gianna-b.

Image credit: all images from unsplash.com

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago


I am wishing you all the best in your exams, you are intelligent and conscientious and I know that you will do well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you the best in your exams, same for me also because exams will be starting in two weeks time. I canΒ΄t wait and I am sure God will see us through.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That image on the last part is almost same as how we cook before in the province 😁 the cooking pot and everything

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Interesting! We still use that method in the village though. Thanks sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Examination time is usually a time of stress. Once you prepare well, your dish will be very delicious. I wish you success.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your wish. I claim it

$ 0.00
2 years ago