To the Mothers of the world.

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2 years ago
Topics: Perspective, Mothers

What's going on everyone, happy new week and how was the mothers Sunday. To all the mothers of the world, I celebrate you all. The Catholic church celebrated the annual mothers day tradition worldwide yesterday, if you have your mom by your side, give her some hugs and whisper some love to her ears. Nine months of pregnancy gave all of us here in this platform the chance to be in this beautiful world. Congratulations to the mothers, congratulations to us and we wish them long live and goodness.

After having lunch with my aunt who visited yesterday, we were talking about mothers and children relationship in the house. We were talking about why the children focuses more on buying gifts for the mother and buying drinks for the father.

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Well, this is always true because mothers days, using my city for instance is a hot day for celebration. It can be compared to Christmas day celebration. Every home bas their unique and significant way if celebrating this loud day. The streets makes a lot of noise and the hotels and special places get filled up in styles. Come to the church, the decorations and arrangements for the mothers on this day is different. I must say that they are special and unique.

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Mothers in my church once played a football match among themselves and it was one of the most interesting day in my church. That year, the church hosted a big event for them and they performed dance , drama and even sing. Most church activities we're done by them. Lots of gifts they receive on this special day. Mothers in my city spend a lot of money from their purse to catch up with their budget. They give huge amount of money to the less privileged and make some donations to those in need. They still donate some money to the church.

Last year's mothers Sunday, me and my siblings made some money contributions and surprised my mom with a huge gift. She was taken unawares and she couldn't believe what we did for her. There was a house party all through the day till late night. The house was lit up in happiness and it was a lovely day indeed.

Unlike the father's day, it hard to see them wear there uniform and have a program of event. They appear in church like it the normal day of church service. No time for extra activities like playing football, drama and other entertainment. They don't have time for things to like that. After church dismissal, the celebration just end, straight to home for another thing related to the day.

From what is seen, father's ate the bedrock of mothers day celebration. They actually make it happen by supporting their wives financially. The mothers through this finances makes the best out of it and make their own day very colourful and memorable. Mothers need to be adored for this.

Why then is the father's day differs from the mothers day, why do people buy so much gifts for the mothers and less for the fathers? could be because women are natural gift lovers and are easily pleased by what they see. Yes, women are gift lovers, for instance, if the son comes home, he buys clothing gifts for his mother and buys an expensive drink and money for his father. He has done great for the father and greater for the mother by showing gifts even when the money gift to his father can buy two times of the mothers gift. That's what it is, might not be for all women/ mothers though, but for the majority.

Father's Sunday is not always as loud as the mothers Sunday. This is not only the thing about fathers alone, all men in general have this in common. Most men do their celebration on low key but all women will always hype their day and celebrate to the next level. It is just a reality and that how I see it.

Closing thought:

I am so happy for all the mothers of the world, we celebrate you everyday, and yesterday was a special day for all of you mothers. I must say that it an honor to be a mother and immensely I pray that God will bless all mothers of the world. May all your good wishes come true and I wish you all long live and prosperity.

If you have a mother, it is a privilege, it means a lot. I have been in motherless babies home and I know the feeling of the environment there. I must say that mothers are loved. We love you mothers of the world.

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Thanks for reading and have a beautiful week.

Copyright Šī¸ Gianna-B, 2022 and all rights reserved.

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago
Topics: Perspective, Mothers


Mothers are really important to all of us. By the way, I would love to watch the mothers football game :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's always fun. Thanks for reading

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To all mother's out there, I am proud of you. You are love and brave

$ 0.01
2 years ago

To all mothers out there I salute all of your efforts. Thank you very much for all of your sacrifices.

$ 0.01
2 years ago