Sleeping on Duty

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago

"This life is but a dream . A state of sleep but how unfortunate that man's eyes open only when they are about to be closed (forever)" Wasif Ali Wasif

I just can't get enough of sleep these days as long as I try to sleep. Uncontrollable action always trying to beat me face down all the time especially at work; sleeping on duty.

I used to be a child that would cry to sleep every time I felt sleepy, people around must know that I am about to sleep from the way I cried. Not minding that I already had dinner twice to my fill, and with another dinner plate in front of me. I still cry to call everyone's attention that I want to sleep.

Childhood was something else indeed, food was not a solution to a sleepy kid, even with a plate in the mouth, there is sleep in the eyes. I once was eating and sleeping at the same time. The taste of what I am eating didn't matter at all and the more I ate, the deeper I slept until I stopped at a point and found myself awake on the bed in the morning. How I got there remains a private business between a mother and a child. She took me there probably but you don't need to know that..

From crying to sleep as a child to embracing my bed by myself as an adult now, and having the ability to resist sleep whenever I have something important doing too, all makes me believe that it can be controlled.

I can control how I sleep and so does everyone, but why do I sleep in the church, at my job, in the class and even a conference or meeting? Huh! Has this happened to you before?

Waking up in the morning and getting prepared for the day and while you are in public transport, you see yourself dreaming and when you finally get a tap from someone always behind, you wake up and brighten your eyes with a smile at yourself. Hmm, this has happened to me not once though.

My funniest sleeping experience

After taking shower and jumping on my bed to catch some z's, i found myself in another world (dream) counting a huge amount of money I haven't seen before. The money was just there and I was counting them and making my budgets. Before going to sleep, I had wanted to buy some creams and needed money for my expenses but I didn't have enough. I went to bed believing that I would get all my needs in less than a week. Now as I got to sleep, I saw myself counting on huge amounts of money and felt like i already got all I needed with extra in my purse. As I was busy with money in my hands, I got a tap on my side with a call that followed. It was my elder sister who came to ask me where I kept her makeup that night.

I had to quickly tell her where she would find it to get back to sleep and continue with my money but pshhhhh! I couldn't sleep again for the next couple of minutes. I was awake folding my hands as I I had some visible money in my hands. I checked my bed to see if I can find anything but never saw a pin.

"It's okay, that's just a dream that came to diss me while I am broke and needed money, I'll be fine without it" I consoled myself. I just don't want to have a dream like that again but always wished for the reality instead, lol!

Today at my job, it was getting close to launch when my colleague came talking about what to have as launch, she was surprised to see me asleep because maybe I wasn't supposed to be sleeping at that time but what would I have done after resisting sleep and hording it for probably hours?

I realized I did wrong but in the other hand, I was less busy with work and that was why I slept off. When she woke me up, I thought maybe I have been called so many times but didn't answer and here is someone sent to check me out, haha! She was just there to talk about lunch which comes up in a few minutes and I was okay with that. We talked and had somewhere to go before the time came and it was right there I had thr opportunity to write today's post.

We had our favorite times and went back to work. Right now I am home and has just finished my exercises waiting for time to prepare dinner for the family. My day was good and blessed with a cool weather that favors sleep and z's.

Thank you for your time lovelies, have a great week ahead.

@Gianna-B, 2022

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago


I felt that too sometimes. Cause I have to work my ass off at night just to survive

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It isn't easy dear 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I remember when I was still working at the office friend. I experience also same with you. I slept because I was really sleepy that time.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is just so inevitable

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes friend that's true especially when you are really tired.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks! I have a lot of trouble falling and staying asleep. Now I have some medicines that help.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for reading dear

$ 0.00
1 year ago

During school, I had multiple experiences of this, sleep always take me to dreamland whenever the lecture is board and the Interesting and funny thing is that, that type of sleep comes with sweet ingredients 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

😂, happened to me countless times

$ 0.00
1 year ago