Rolls Royce of my Time

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago

The first half of the year is here. A crossover from May to June 1st, 2022. Dear readers, how has it been? I welcome everyone to this new month. It is a with a great pleasure that I say to everyone here "Happy New Month!" Let's see what our new month has got for us. Best wishes to everyone!

Late last month, I was pondering and wondering what this present month would be like to me, how I would rationalize my time with my activities for a very successful month. There are lots of things to coverup and meet up with, having being home for a while now and spending good times with my cousin sister.

There are places and invitations to attend this month, at least we have three wedding invitations awaiting us and one of them coming by next weekend. Time demands that I travel to be with one of my friends whose mother's wedding is coming soon. She has invited me to be with her till after the party and I will have to be there with my cousin. All this has to deal with time and I have my schedules too, which I need to meet up with.

There are some things I skip to add to my weekly goal list, let's say I have been procrastinating over that particular something which I have been looking forward to achieving by the end of the year. Well, still rings true today because I haven't even penned them down and just few days ago when I checked my calendar on my phone, I saw it was the 29th of May. That was when the ending month of May rose to a marvelling crescendo. I had to fix it in now, this month marks the first half of the year which means that in six months, this year will be rounding up.

Today's morning, I was woken up by my mom's phone call. She called to inform me of her coming back home after almost three months she traveled to stay with my elder sister who was delivered of a baby boy. Before that, I was feeling week and lazy just waking up so early, staring at my walls daydreaming with the debilitating idea of me not having included my star goal o my list. After speaking with her, I felt this refill in my tank of strength. I became more lively and as if mom's voice recharged me. Initially, was awake waiting for my workout time alarm to ring. Just immediately after the phone call with mom, I felt this ocean if strength and zeal to start my workout before time and for the first time ever, it happened. I stood up and got dressed for working out when it was fifteen minutes to the time. All the time I spent waiting for my cousin sis to come join me was so enjoying and by the time she came, I was already sweating. Out of surprise, she asked when I started but I convinced her it wasn't long ago. She joined me and we had a good workout.

It was later by the day after breakfast and exchanging happy new month pleasantries that I recalled that it must be my Mom's golden voice whom I have been missing so much sourced my strength to face the day with full strength and energy. I wish to continue with that energy through this year because it matters. The voice of a loved one must be an inspiration; it means so much to us. Mom's voice in invigorated me.

What is your motivation and how do you use your time?

This June, my self intrinsically purported goal of achieving 1BCH is my utmost priority. In all possible contingency,I would focus and make it happen to reality. I wish to do that by always remembering the ocean of strength I have in my tank. On the other hand, I have to manage my time and reshape my schedules to spearhead the direction of my goal(s). I have seen posts here on READ, where some people are being thankful for their achievement of 1BCH and even joining a club of 1BCH holders. The first time I heard about club 1BCH was my early days on this platform and I was like wow! I'm my mind was the big question; when will I have this? What month will I see myself holding 1BCH in my wallet? I know it and I believe it will come to reality on a good day and that I have to work for it. I have ceased putting them on my weekly goals but this month, I can't wait to say my own thanks to @MarcDeMesel

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Thank you all amazingly good people of read cash. Since my journey here, I have learnt so much and priceless knowledge. I must say that being here is probably one of the best thing that ever happened to me so far in this life. Big thanks to all my lovely sponsors and subscribers. To my first ever sponsor, I have you at heart forever; like her smile, she's good @Sweetiepie . Thanks for being there sis. May this month bring the best and huge achievement for us all.

@Gianna-B, 2022 and all rights reserved

Image credit: taken from

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$ 0.05 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago


Based on the question, my motivation for now is myself so I did have a mini Pamper

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It’s so nice that your mum’s voice is your source of inspiration that is beautiful

$ 0.00
2 years ago