My Wish

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago

Good morning Readstars, hope we're having good and beautiful times. Thank God for the new week and in a special way for myself. Beaten down by my tragic experience of losing my phone to some criminals lurking and seeking whom to devoir and what to take from others. Nonetheless, I keep moving forward no matter the delay that incident may have caused me, we hope for a better tomorrow. I must say that one of my greatest rebound is coming back to read. This platform really saved me, if I hadn't sold my earnings to get myself new phone, by now I wouldn't be here to read or post in this platform. I thank God for everything. Read is amazing! I am a testimony dear readstars.. Back to the topic

I read an entry @Amjad_Ali_Waince where I was mentioned, from the honest answers and writings, I was intrigued to be a part of the entry and here I go with mine.

In my bag is always found:

A pen and my students identification card. That one of the content I can never look for in my bag. In my first year when I misplaced my bag after some exams, it was through my card that the founder located me. Luckily for me, everything inside was intact. I also carry my little make-up, just a lipgloss that has its position in my bag.

My wish:

I have so many things I wish I could have or become. One of them is my wish to be invisible. Lol! I wish to be invisible and have super powers to do unimaginable. I wish I had the power to see the future and give exact prediction of what would happen tomorrow. By do, I would control everything that comes my way and whatever happens to me. In a more positive way, I wish I could curb corruption in my country and restore national unity where equal love for everyone, every culture and every tribe reigns. I always wish there will be no fake smile anymore, people have agreement and it works out exactly as agreed: no backstabbing.So many things I wish for but I accept the fact that I can't be everything. With what I am, I will do my best.


Sometimes, I think need more good people in our society, sometimes, I think we need good leadership and management. I think we should give younger people the chance to be what they want with the guiding assistance of the elderly ones. We need a perfect world and we have to work positively towards that. Sometimes it is my wish to see everyone, people from different religions eat together and drink from the same cup. Sometimes, I I wonder what gain people get from killing their fellow humans in their house if worship and in their place of work. It really bad and sometimes, I wish this earth is renewed to birth and let love come back.

What I would eat everyday if I could:

My high taste for good dishes won't let me have one thing to eat daily. Let me wish I have pizza (chicken pizza) everyday. That's a high taste huh? Yeah! I love it so much and would want to have them everyday, but I also have taste for fruits and vegetables. I just keep to my daily consumption of fruits and vegetables and would want to live with that.

A talent I have:

Wow! I think I am good in art works. I have good drawing skills and I am good in making sculptures and painting. This is just one natural thing I know how to do. Anytime I see a good art work that interests me, I just take a look and know how to do it or draw it. I used to have a drawing book those days but now, it no more. I also have this teaching talent. It is always easier for me to take people along with my lessons, especially in swimming and riding a bike, even in academics too. I love doing all these and I am happy I influence people with it too.

What everyone says I am:

To be sincere, I can't really tell what people think or say about me. I just have not heard rumors or gist about me for a while now and I haven't even asked to know what my name would be doing on someone else's lips in my absence. I would say that from my relationship with my friends, they see me as cool and that why we are close to each other. The qualities they have I know I share with them because that what brings us together. If I am lovely, they are lovely too and if I am troublesome, they are the same too.

What I'll do today:

Everyday is an opportunity for everything on earth, the sunlight every morning is a motivation to me, it is the beginning of my day and the light is a source of Strength already. I will keep working hard on myself and on my goals, do what I am supposed to do and fix things right in its places. Most importantly, make my day count.

A talent I wish I had:

I am a person that wish I could do everything but nature has to be accepted. I would love it if I had this singing talent and is doing well with singing as a career. I love watching celebrities on show, doing what they know how to do best. I also practice singing rarely because I only have to remix other people's songs. I just find it difficult to come up with my original lines. I know I could do better with practice but I just wished it was my thing.

Currently, I am grateful:

I have this joy when I touch my new screens and remembering less of my immediate past experiences. I feel renewed from that past whenever I lay my fingers on my new device. I am happy to be back on read cash and I am so much happy to continue my goals and aspirations for this month. Time delayed but I am happy to be where I am now.

This is it guys, thanks for being there. Thank you for reading and I wish to read more entries on this too.

Picture taken by me

@ Gianna-B, 2022 .


Big thanks to all my sponsors

Sponsors of Gianna-B

Image credit: All pictures taken by me.

$ 0.07
$ 0.03 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
$ 0.02 from @Theblackdoll
$ 0.02 from @DennMarc
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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago


I was smiling when I read your "wish" part of the post.. you are sucha good human not only wanting to have your desire fulfilled but also want to help people of your country.. bless your soul sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also wish that I'm a good singer but gez! it won't happen lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe 🀣. We have our natural abilities dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How I wish there are more good politicians serving the country and making a lot of innovation and development.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is what the world need . My country Nigeria needs it the most. Thanks for your time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woww I really love arts and you're good at it. Hoping to see some of your workss!🀍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll serve them here when I find my drawing book again. Thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

In interesting how you can do a lot of variety of arts ☺️ that's amazing. I wish I could have a talent in playing instruments

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! That will be nice. Playing and singing: a double talent

$ 0.00
2 years ago

An artist always nature lover nd your interest in painting shows how close you are to nature. Well described the questionnaire and detailed analysis about answers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you Amjad. Thanks for your time

$ 0.00
2 years ago