I knew she would React

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago

I have come to realize that there's more to being patient unlike other qualities we crave for. Sometimes people wish they don't have the quality of patience but as humans, it is needed in one way or the other. I have a friend who wastes so much time. I wouldn't call that laziness though because she wakes up earlier but will spend hours getting ready. My friend could sleep for one hour and spend two hours getting ready to leave her hostel for lectures.

She doesn't like walking alone, she loves the company of her friends but her problem is not showing up at the expected time . She's always the last person to come out and meet up. Do you have a person like that and how do you cope with such a creature?

Wait for me, gimme a little time I'll be out soon, I am coming and more is their language they seem never to change. I mean, we all have the same place to go at a scheduled time. Why would one person not quickly get ready before time. She always wants the whole world to wait for her. She probably has everything in the house, the water, food clothing and make-ups but still never manage time. Well, that's good for her, I believe you can be best in everything you do . Who knows maybe she's exploring her talent, I don't know but what I care about is not taking part with her exposition.

The other day, we had ten o'clock lectures. We all read together and decided to be in class together. Everyone agreed to be out by nine and all came except one. Who's she that is missing? Probably the most talented time waster. She was called on the phone and she picked up the third time. She was like..

"Hello all is out and we are about to move, where are you?"

She.. "I am done already, you guys should please wait for me don't leave me. I'll join you guys now"

"Now" she said could be now till forever but no one else noticed. I already knew what was happening and what would happen even after it happened. We had to wait till after ten minutes we called her again only to get another brainwashing answer that she is behind us.

I was like wow! Behind us invisible? It's okay, now we got the gist and left for class at fifteen minutes past nine. We were lucky to find sit in the first row but long story short, she came to class five minutes after the class had started.

Yesterday she called me and we spoke at length, we talked about today's lectures and time and that was how we agreed to go together for classes today. I have been hoping she had changed her time wasting character even though I was expecting the same. The time came and we made it together on time. We got in the front row and we were cool together with the morning class. The evening class remained and I thought good of her being on time again. We weren't to attend the class together but I called her when I was on my way. She pleaded that I should wait for her which I decided to. After some minutes, I called her to check if she still knew I was waiting, only for her to say that she was coming. After ten minutes, I called for the last time and she said she'll be with me in five seconds. The five seconds though was an extra two minutes. As all these happened, I was not complaining. Of course, I don't have to remember or caution her of her character, she should know what she does and how annoying it can be.

This evening after classes, I decided to play a patient prank on her just to know her reaction. I only wanted to put her in her shoes to know how she would feel. I told her to meet me at an eatery for night classes at six, she agreed but doesn't have the idea that it was an opportunity to play her mind. Close to six o'clock, I called her to know her location but she said she'll be at the venue soon. At that time, I was already close to the eatery but was talking with a group of friends. We talked till it was slightly past six before calling her again and she said she's close. She literally was there on time but I decided to keep her waiting for a while until she called to ask where I was at past six already. I told her that I'll be joining her soon but her reply was harsh. She was mad at me for keeping her waiting for fifteen minutes. The last time she called was twenty minutes past six after she had sounded me a last warning that she's leaving. I saw her stood up angrily after the twenty minutes and was about to leave before I called her attention. It wasn't a funny moment with her but at last, she forgave me.

I have known how pissed off she could get anytime people keeps her waiting. She quickly runs out of patience but would love to be waited for till infinity. That is just her personal character . Would you have a friend like that?

Thank you for your time and bye for now.


Lead image credit: taken from unsplash

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1 year ago


Nah i do not have a friend like that. Honestly I hate waiting.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a good attitude however, waiting too much will do no good at all

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Doesn't have a friend like that, but waiting for too long isn't my attitude as well.

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1 year ago