Homosexuality is a mental illness?

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7 months ago

The IT forums and the homosexual-problem

This is a very hard topic, and i was wondered for a while, how to write about this issue. Today, a funny incident in a chat-room gave the inspiration to process this question. If someone entered western computer chat rooms and forums, probably noticed something odd. Almost half of the users have rainbow avatars, having the so called pronouns in their profile, so they are attracted to their own gender. The number of these so called trans-sexuals, homosexuals are rising rapidly. This article is going to discuss this issue.

Viewing homosexuals from an East European perspective

Initially, i was ambivalent of the topic. I was personally always attracted to the opposite gender. The first time i have seen a homosexual, was in the mid 2000s, when one of my online friend turned out to be homosexual (and later, he converted himself to bisexual). He accumulated more and more strange fetishes, which i am not going into details, as its not relevant. I considered him odd for this, but i thought, if he doesn't likes women, then i will have a bigger sea to fish, its his problem. Then a few of his friends suddenly approached me, trying to policy me what and how i can write and think. These were extremely liberal people. I found that super odd, and quickly cut the ties with them. These people were suddenly gone, when Hungary almost ended up in a civil war. People got enough from the left-wing leadership, the taxation, the skyrocketing prices which were a result of bad social programs, and mass protests started to unfold in 2006. In 2010, a right wing government overtook (which is the current government), foreigners know Orbán Viktor, who is the face of this current political system of Hungary.

Meet the homosexual conspirators of retro chatrooms

Once upon a time, about three years actually, i was member of a retro computer chat room. Most of the chat was offtopic, as everyhwere, once i have mentioned to others, Hungary are crafting a new bill to ban some homosexual public activities. Such as banning the display of homosexuality in TV shows, homosexuals will not allowed to run education programs for school kids, and so on. Of course some people - i haven't yet know they were homosexuals - got very angry about this. Once i also mentioned one of the LTT personel, who advertised homosexual propaganda on its twitter, and i found it very disgusting. He also noted that.

One of the particular members, Netham45, was part of this convo. By using Netham45 and his friends as an example, i am going to showcase the homosexual behavior, as it will be very easy to understand the kind of tribalism and hatered against straight people, which will be featured in this article.

So once we ended up talking with Netham45 about routers. I have explained to him about how the Chinese routers are superior to their American counterparts. The main reason is, they are multiple hundred times faster, a TP-Link router boots within seconds, in compared to American routers, which taking minutes to start.

Netham45 was very angry again. Not just angry, but clue-less. As an American far-liberal nationalist (which i didn't know at the time), he started to come up with arguments to save the dignity of the American router technology. One of his main objections were: the Chinese router is slower, because it lacks proper hardware detection, meanwhine the American has a proper hardware detection. If somewhere is not familiar with routers: a router is a very simple device. It has a small kernel (Linux or BSD, or some costum-made) that boots, initializes a TCP stack, assigns the IP addresses.

The only hardware-detection they make is to check if there is any USB devices present. The Linux kernel - for example - has all the required drivers inside to operate, and can boot within seconds.

Netham45 didn't know this, so i explained this to Netham45, alongside the IP acquiration through DHCP. Of course, he had no idea. He was trying to argue: According to him, ip aquiration takes multiple minutes, meanwhile in reality it takes only a fragment of a second.

Then he got outraged, publicly announced that others to help to gather evidences against me to get banned from the server. Mind you, this is a server where maybe one or two person chatted, so i found it quite funny. After a while he found my comments about the new homosexual laws of Hungary, and about the LTT issue, and asked the owners of the server, who basically barely chatted or did anything, to ban me, because i am homophobic. Of course they have banned me, because it turned out, the owner is homosexual. So as the co-owners, and moderators.

Was i really banned because i was homophobic? Was i homophobic? That doesn't matters, what matters is to protect the homosexual supremacy, the homosexual agenda, put homosexuals into positions, even if they are totally incompetent.

But who is Netham45?

Nobody, he is a wanabee IT person from USA. Who has a public resume (which i have removed all the private details).

His multiple pages of extremely high-tech skills, such as installing Windows and turning on Wifi routers, must be very sought after. He is unemployed, waiting for a good job offer. Which he doesn't seem to get, probably because he thinks DHCP requests taking minutes, he can't tell the services of the OS from the kernel itself, and his only mentionable work-place was Papa John's Pizza restaurant, where he worked as a burger flipper. But he is having strange relationship with other homosexuals - who somehow end up in key positions of chat rooms, forums, without doing anything. One day, he and his friends will end up in key-positions.

Thats just one community, it can not be generalized!

Of course not. This is not the first and certainly not the last time such event is occuring. But this event gave me a hint, to try observing if homosexuality is a factor in this type of behavior. What i have personally observed is, in four from five times, the conspirators were homosexual. The victims were usually straight people. I tried to remember similar cases in my circles, and the harrassers were almost always homosexual. I found out the person who observes and obsesses with you against your will, is likely homosexual, at least i would say four from five times. I have realized in my cicles: if a strange old person is committing sexuality-related crimes against children or young people, is likely homosexual.

The story continues

Today, i was chatting in another retro discord, namely, the discord of The Retro Archive, which is a website collecting old hardware blueprints. I was member there for maybe a few months. I rarely discussed with them, but today, the topic of the VIA C3 popped up. A person called Rigo, was very friendly with me initially. We discussed for a while about Zhaoxin processors as well, i have linked my Zhaoxin article to them. Then we started discussing about Elbrus processors. His mood quickly changed. I told him about the specifications of the Elbrus processors, the upcoming products of them. First i didn't understood, why he became so hostile, at a point, he asked: "did you pulled these specifications from your ass?". No, i actually pulled them from the public statements of Elbrus and Mikron (the Russian chip-fab). Then i suddenly got banned from the server.

Then he announced the reason. Lets see:

He called me a sick individual. What could have been the reason, why this friendly "individual" suddenly became hostile, and called me a sick individual, and banned me? The explanation quickly arrived:

He disliked my rape article from about three years ago. Well, oookay. Its like one hour to read it. How, and when he had time to read it, and to even find it, as he was chatting with me? Its certainly impossible. What could have been the so called previous straw, if this was the last? What was the iceberg, if this was only the tip of the iceberg? I was very curious, and i asked around, and you would never guess!

It turned out, there was a turkish individual called luennix from the previous homosexual server, who were also member on the server, and he spend the last day talking to all the administrators privately to kick me, because i am homophobic. Imagine being some kind of a gollum, who is obsessed with the knowledge that somewhere you exist, and he genuinely feeds the hatered against you, because you don't support their goals - which involves the leadership of IT forums even if they don't understand DHCP. Once again, it turns out, the entire leadership was homosexual. What an unexpected turn of events! (nope). In the end, it turns out, Rigo's friends don't have to worry for they children. Because they can't have any. Its a privilege of heterosexual relationships.

Its quite interesting they choose my rape article - which was initially written against feminists - as an artificial reason to freak out. Because the side effect of that article is also to protect people like them. But God doesn't beats with a rod. They don't understand it yet: in East Europe, the stake is set. They might replace the Russian model to the Middle Eastern model soon, when dealing with homosexuals.

My patience

As you can expect, my standpoint of homosexuals are slowly swtihching from being ambivalent to oppose them. In Hungary, three years ago, they introduced laws to limit some of the activities of the homosexuals. Hungary has a national consultation usually once in every year, where the citizens can set the course of the state. Some of the questions in the national consultation was about homosexuality in the previous month. One of the questions was about taking a stronger actions against homosexuals. I opposed this, and i have voted with no, to de-escalate the situation about them. My vote doesn't means too much, but now i see why i should be more supportive to this bill.

Homosexuality and the Bible

The story of Sodom and Gomorra is a well known, and widely discussed issue. A non-christian usually knows about this story vaguely, defining it as a story about God punishing the criminals. Actually this is not the entire truth. Sodom and Gomorra is a story about homosexuals. People of Sodoma and Gomorra were considered wicked. Later on, the wickedness of these cities getting discussed in the Bible. Both towns were about to get hit by a natural disaster sent by God. However, Lot, a citizen of the area, argues with God, and asks them, not to destroy them. They start barganing, at first, Lot is asking God if he would spare the people if they can only find 50 righteous people there. God agrees, then Lot lowers the number. God's messengers (angels) were delivered to the cities, to notify the inhabitants of the upcoming events, so they will have time to evacuate. They visiting Lot at first.

Then unexpected events occur. People notice the arrive of the angels. They gather in front of Lots porch, and demand the visitors to be released for them, because they want to "know" them. What this means is, they actually want to have homosexual sex with the angels. Lot refuses. Asks them to leave. When they refuse to leave, he offers them his daughter. Despite his daughter is virgin and young, they are disgusted by this. They try to break into the house to force sex on the angels. At the end they escaping the house, and the angels realize, there are no worthy people of this town to be spared. As they flee the city, the cities are being destroyed by a natural disaster.

The aggression of homosexuals

Originally i refused the spiritual significance of this story, as i found it strange and harmful to equate homosexuality with this strange type of harrasment. Now i understand the story in a more deeper aspect. The Bible defines homosexuality pretty accurately, and i was wrong to question it. Both my personal experiences, and both the Bible points into the proper direction: as we can see, homosexuality is not about some oppressed people figthing for their sexual rights. Its something different.

Homosexuality is an illness

Sexuality, directly or indirectly, serves as a way for people to have children. Normally, the sexual attraction is between different sexes. Homosexual people can't have children with each other if they engage in sexual activities. Their sexuality doesn't functions properly, because these type of sexuality can't result in childbirths. Therefore, they are ill. What could be the reason of this illness? This is currently being debated. Some theories say, this is how they born - so there are genetic causes to this. Others say, an early trauma makes them homosexual.

Trying to make it normal

Most of homosexuals, however, think, their homosexuality is normal and natural, despite it isn't. For example, if someone has pollen allergies, he wouldn't try to portray it as normal. He would not make marches to popularize having cancer. He would recognize his illness is indeed an illness, and would probably try to find cure, or a treatment, if possible. They will not create marches to popularize sinusitis, where they can sneeze at bystanders. Overwhelming majority of homosexuals are doing the opposite, they think they are normal, and trying to portray themself as normal. This is what makes it a mental illness.

Curing homosexuals

In the old testament, homosexuals were killed. After the arrival of Jesus, however, punishing sexuality-related crimes, such as homosexuality, is not allowed due to an order from Jesus himself. I attempted to talk to some homosexuals in the recent years, to discover any potential trauma in their life, which lead them to homosexuality. In some cases, after discussing with them, it turned out they are indeed open to have sex with the opposite gender, they just have some trauma or fears in the way. One of these friends ended up straight in the end. Most of them just dug their head deeper into homosexualism.

Its the fault of the psychologists?

Homosexual organizations trying to keep psychologists away from defining homosexuality as a mental illness, or at least a mental disorder. In the history, they used several methods to try curing homosexuals, including closing them to special institutes. None of them worked. Its, however, still a fault of the psychologists if they let it untreated, and even assisting them in their illness. Without psychologically helping these homosexuals, they are descending into the mud of homosexuality even more. Homosexual organizations are trying to find the vulnerable children at a young age, and advertise homosexuality to them, under the disguise of sexual education. This is right now banned in Hungary, Russia, and even in some states of USA.

Dealing with homosexual organizations

If an organization or company is under the influence of homosexuals, an individual should not engage in their activities. Homosexual communities degrade on their own, such as the original retro discord in the example, which now has one message per week, after they have banned everyone they disliked. Buying products from companies advertising homosexuality also helps them to spread their agenda. To cure homosexuality, the best method is put limits in front of them. Of course, they do whatever they want in their bedroom, but it must be ensured they can't bring their illness into the society as a whole.

Dealing with homosexuals

If someone is seeing a homosexual, he shouldn't be hateful to this homosexual. This person is mentally ill. Be supportive to this person, but don't be supportive to his homosexuality. Hungary now has laws which ban the advertisation of homosexuality, but its not enough. More laws are required, which will prevent homosexuals to establish dependency relations with other people. The state must take into consideration, if homosexuals can be allowed in certain positions. For example, the homosexual moderators in the question shouldn't moderate communities. Should the society allow homosexuals to be teachers, to be bosses in work places, or in any activity where they have even the smallest control over others? Probably its not a good idea.

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Written by
7 months ago


I'm very disappointed that you got "cancelled" for your personal opinions.

These are the same people that would throw a fit at other people making sexy games (nevermind if it's about rape/bdsm, LGBT or not) but have no problems praising Hamas for raping women on October 7th because they are "oppressed". They also, somewhat ironically, have no issues with depicting extreme violence or bear sex like for baldur's gate 3. If that's not a double standard, i don't know what it is. I should also point out that most of these people, are actually adverse to having actual sex and most do not view porn in a good light.

I do not agree with your views on homosexuals however, just because two men have sex doesn't mean it will lead to you getting cancelled. A gay person can be mentally ill but not for the sole reason of wanting to have sex with his own kind. Really, this is a problem about the Far left, not gays (of which a good portion of them belong to, i admit).

There is a problem so called "liberals" going after ordinary people for their opinions and cracking down on dissent. Trust me, there are plenty of LGBT people that don't (want to) cancel other people but most are either told to shut up or to comply, as the far left (much like the far right) do not encourage to critical thinking about things or allow doubt.

There is this common mentality among them that to achieve tolerance, they must seek to crack down on opinions that are seen as going against them. This is doing more harm than good, and many voters in european countries have, as a result, voted far right and turned their backs on gays.

Though i should note that i've mostly noticed this kind of "cancelling" mostly from americans. In france, i've seen very few people do this. (and the ones that do usually speak english)

I want to say "it's just one guy/community" but that one dude probably ruined it for you and it's not like Discord mods with a BMI of over 25 are known to be fair and understanding.

I do not have an easy solution for this but eventually they will need to realize they can't go on to continue doing this.

$ 0.10
User's avatar gbb
5 months ago

Well, the ideology of the so called "liberals" always comes in a complete package. You can't decide which part you agree, and which part you don't. You have to accept and eat up everything. The thinking was already done. If you fail in this, then you are their mortal enemy - and they will despise you with an ever bigger hate than how they have the right-winged people. Because they consider you an internal enemy, a traitor, someone as an imminent danger.

$ 0.00
5 months ago

Szia! Mivel úgy sejtem, hogy magyar vagy, magyarul írok. Ha tévedek, kérlek nézd el nekem. Bevallom neked, a bibliánál abbahagytam az olvasást, mert nem vagyok hívő és kissé túlmagyarázásnak is éreztem felhozni. Nem kötekedni jöttem, mielőtt félreértenél, de ez tényleg egy érdekes téma, hogy a homoszexualitás betegség-e, vagy kellene-e ez ellen küzdeni. Én nem vagyok se "velük", se ellenük, mindig azt mondom, hogy amíg nekem nem kell nézegetnem mit csinálnak egymással, addig engem nem igazán érdekel a dolog. Egy hetero pártól sem szép egyébként szerintem, ha nyilvánosan felfalják egymást. Kicsit úgy érzem, mintha manapság felkapott dolog lenne a homoszexualitás. Nem igazán értem, hogy miért kell büszkén hirdetni. Viszont azt megértem, hogy milyen nehéz lehet nekik. Fordítsuk meg egy kicsit a dolgot. Nyilván hetero vagy.. Képzeld el, hogy holnap felkelsz és azt mondják neked, hogy az a normális, ha a férfiakat szereted. Te érzed, hogy neked ez nem normális dolog, és téged egy nő hoz lázba, de azt mondják ez egy betegség, és márpedig neked a férfiakat kell szeretni. Mit éreznél, gondolnál, tennél? Mert ők valami ilyesmit érezhetnek, csak ugye fordítva.

$ 0.00
7 months ago

Képzeld el, hogy holnap felkelsz és azt mondják neked, hogy az a normális, ha a férfiakat szereted.

De nem normális, hisz a heteroszexualitás a biológiai norma. Gyereknemzéshez csak heteroszexuális aktus vezethet. E Azaz, csak heteroszexuális (és biszexuális) emberek tudnak gyereket nemzeni. Mindenki más.... defektes. Alapjáraton ez nem kellene hogy probléma legyen (a vakok és süketek is defektesek, de ettől függetlenül nem bántjuk őket érte, segítünk nekik hogy tudjanak teljes életet élni), de látjuk, hogy miféle politikai begiddzsel szokott együtt járni a homoszexualitás - ez teszi az egészet ellenségessé.

A legtöbb "homofób" nem magát a homoszexualitást utálja (Ki nem szarja le, hogy ki mit csinál a privát hálszobájában? Azt leszámítva hogy az egészséges ember valamilyen szinten undorodik a homoszexualitástól), hanem a politikát, ami hozzá van csatolva a homoszexualitáshoz. Nem volt nekik elég, hogy legalizálták a homoszexualitást. A bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat se elég nekik. A legtöbb nyugati országban már össze is házasodhatnak (ami gúnyt űz keresztény házasság fogalmából), de nekik ez sem elég - képviseletet követelnek mindenféle médiában, filmszerepeket, fiktív karaktereket, gondolatrendőrséget. A melegek nem toleranciát akarnak, hanem ünnepelt/privilegizált státuszt, figyelmet, dominanciát. Mindig is erre ment ki a játék.

A gonosz toleranciát hírdet egészen addig, míg domináns helyzetbe nem kerül. Utána elkezdi üldözni a jót. Arról nem is beszélve, hogy egyik devianciát követi a másik: amint bevezették a meleg"házasságot" a nyugaton, jött a transzgenderizmus, azaz hogy a férfi nővé változik és vice versa - és te vagy a szörnyű bigott, ha megkérdőjelezed ezt az őrületet. Mi lesz a következő, az új frontier? Zoofília? Pedofília?

TL;DR: Nem magával a homoszexualitással van problémánk, hanem a radikális progresszív/balliberális/woke politikával amit a melegek 95%-a elég aggresszíven képvisel.

Persze, fel lehet tenni a kérdést, hogy mi jött előbb, a tyúk vagy a tojás - avagy, a melegek woke-sága vagy a konzervatívok meleg-ellenessége - de ez lényegtelen. A lényeg az, hogy bárminek, a woke táborral asszociálható, vesznie kell.

$ 0.20
5 months ago

Köszönöm, hogy megosztottad a gondolataid ebben a témában, és köszönöm a borravalót. Jézus óta alapvetően a szexualitás különféle formáinak kifejezése nem lenne büntethető a törvények által, viszont az a fajta viselkedés, amit mutatnak (például abban a két chatszobában) nagyon hasonlít az ószövetségben róluk leírtakra. Ezeket a gondolatokat fejtettem ki azon a részben hosszabban. Úgy gondolom, hogy az átlagembert nem is az bántja, hogy ők kikhez vonzódnak, hanem az zavarja őket, hogy ezt ne vihessék bele a társadalomba semmilyen formában sem. Pontosan attól félnek, amit leírtál, hogy nehogy egy nap arra kelljen ébredniük, hogy az azonos neműeket legyen normális szeretni.

$ 0.00
7 months ago