Proper application and sourcing of images.

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Avatar for George_Dee
3 years ago

Welcome back to the series I started yesterday, I saw the need to share some knowledge with people on the platform especially for people who are new to the field.

This is not coming from an expert, it is just a small knowledge that I feel could help us if applied. Thanks to everyone who added one or two things through the comment section in the first post, I was able to learn something for myself as well. I call that one of the beauties of sharing because when you give out anything helpful to others, you will always receive something back.

Click the image to see the first lesson.

Today's article would be about the application and sourcing of images for our articles, I would be using some illustrations to help people understand the article very well.

Imagine yourself as an HR who received an application letter with a CV attached.

You decided to go through it and were impressed by how the applicant described him or herself, you said to yourself, "this is perfect".

When you invited the person for an oral interview, the person was the opposite of everything he or she have described in the document sent earlier.

How would you feel?

Many of us usually don't place much importance on the images we attach to our articles but they are as important as the title and the body of the article.

Sometimes ago I was blown away by Jane's adventure post, the images she used were perfect and it did justice to a lot of things that weren't even expressed in words. Images are part of every article but sometimes we feel too lazy to check for what best suits our article.

Qualities of a proper image.

• It should give a pictorial representation of the content of your article, you can upload as many as you like but it should be done moderately.

The images must be relevant, it sometimes makes articles look like movies. It has the power to bring fiction into reality if well used.

Image size

This is a very important thing to be considered and it is divided into two parts.

The size in byte

This is about storage, you should try to always reduce the size to avoid the page from consuming data. A poor network might even hinder the reader from viewing the images if occupies too much space.

The size in length and breath:

The length and breadth size of the image should also be moderate to prevent them from looking unattractive in the article.

There are several images reducing size apps out there that would do the job for you easily, you can search for them online and use them for free.

Image sourcing.

I admire people who go at the length of creating their images or capturing images for their article but there are times we just have to borrow from the internet.

Image sourcing is more than what many of us think about it, it is fun going about choosing the best images from the Internet but it can be incriminating if not done properly.

How is that even possible?

Imagine you needed an image for a write up about wildlife and you risk yourself going into the jungle to secretly capture images of dangerous animals. After uploading it, someone decided to take and use it for his or her work.

How would feel about it?

It would be very annoying to see someone take credit for your hard work right?

That's the same way people feel when we steal their images and use them as our content, it is a very bad act that can tarnish the image of a writer so we must desist from it.

Aside from that, not all the images on the internet are available for our use. There are lots of images out there on the internet protected by copyright infringement law and they are not meant to be used by any person because the owner doesn't permit it.


The good thing is that there are lots of free images for use on the internet but not everyone understands that, these images are free and you won't be prosecuted for using them but you have to appreciate the author by giving preference in your article.

A simple sentence like, "the image belong to George Dee won't hurt as long as it belongs to me.

Some websites offer free images for use and you can get any type of image you need for your articles from there.



There is nothing wrong with creating your image as well, you can capture or create your image using apps like Canva and others. With those apps, you can create a perfect image for your content and in some instances, originality pays a lot.

First image.

Lead image.

$ 6.16
$ 5.94 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for George_Dee
3 years ago


Hahaha. This made me remember our days at UU 🤣 I remember how we tried to teach those spammers how to source images but yet they won’t listen 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is one of the major reasons we must source our images but there is a problem here. Most of us here do not k ow how to source images. So, I think you should tell us how we can source our images in our posts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Woahhh thanks for this information, it'll help me a lot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Es realmente valioso para los que comenzamos por aquí.

Eso es lo que he hecho en mis artículos, busco una imágen que refleje lo que escribo. Siempre cito a los autores. Por lo pronto he usado las imágenes de Pixabay. Tomare en cuenta las que nos recomiendas.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lovely 👏 I gotta ask, did you by any chance gave knowledge of programming? Coz some of the things you said here, I learnt them in programming, specifically image optimisation. I usually reduce the size of my images before uploading it here, but I'm guessing automatically optimizes all uploaded images so that their web pages will load faster and also offer free images, I knew about using free images when I learnt graphics design. Freepik might be complicated for some persons because it doesn't contain just images and the complications comes in when searching for images

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You said we should click the image to take us directly to your previous post. How did you do that pls?

$ 0.02
3 years ago

After uploading the image, I clicked on it and it brought some options at the top.

I clicked on the link 🔗 symbol and added the address, that's all.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh! Thanks for the help. I will try it tomorrow 🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is quite insightful. It will be if immense guide to newbies on this platform. Good work.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yeah, that's the target. I hope it is helpful to people who really needs it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago