Bitcoin Cash is not gambling.

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Avatar for George_Dee
2 years ago

The issue of people misunderstanding what cryptocurrency represents still surprises me, at this age and time, I want to believe that anyone who uses a smartphone must have gotten the slightest idea about digital currency. There are content about it everywhere available in simple forms for easy assimilation and yet people still go around vomiting nonsense about crypto.

I was surfing through Twitter when I came across a post of Kim Dotcom where he advised Twitch because of how they are influencing the youth negatively, I felt good seeing influential people speak against gambling because it is becoming a norm not just among the youths, even teenagers are obsessed with it now all in the name of making quick money whereas they are subjecting themselves to poverty because they don't know when to stop and they go on losing all, it becomes part of them since they believe they can recover their loss back immediately.

I went on to the comment section to see other users' comments and I got a shocker, lots of people compared crypto to gambling.

Using cryptocurrency as an excuse to lose your money is dumb because people have been gambling even before cryptocurrency came into existence and I take this excuse as disrespect for crypto. Among the opportunities that crypto is offering, why would gambling be the only one you choose when you can trade, stake, farm, and lots more in the crypto-verse. People have lost a lot of money gambling with fiat as well and it looks like the comments came from someone who hates crypto probably because they don't understand it, lost huge to gambling or they are scared of the change it would eventually bring in the future.

I went on to screenshot more comments speaking ill of crypto by referring to it as gambling.

I will make something clear, gambling is a choice and no company would force you into it. Because influential people advertise it doesn't make it compulsory for you to gamble, if you find yourself doing it then it means that you made the choice.

You might think what you want but the fact remains that crypto was made for a bigger purpose. Unfortunately, since the ambition of Bitcoin was hijacked and converted into a store of value, it has been used for different things that weren't on the list of things Nakamoto Satoshi would have wanted cryptocurrency to be used for.

Giving people financial freedom which means having total control of your funds, the ability to use crypto for their day-to-day transactions were the real purpose but a lot of people do not care about those things anymore except for making riches out of it. These things I mentioned in the previous paragraph are what people who understand crypto very well are craving for and that's one reason why they embrace Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash has set the legacy and it is fulfilling the dreams of Nakamoto Satoshi which is giving financial freedom to the people. It doesn't mean the BitcoinCash believers aren't interested in making money, they are but what's the point of making money when you still have someone in control of it because it needs to be converted to fiat first?

The BCH community wants to make a massive profit but spreading Bitcoin adoption is their topmost priority since that is the one way to make the world see the importance of cryptocurrency today and in the future, it is set on changing the world and not just a make people rich scheme.

Investing in wrong projects can make you lose your funds which you will refer to as gambling and it is not so for BCH that has lots of potentials which makes it the most relevant in the crypto-verse.

This user testified to the awesomeness of BCH but you can't blame anyone for your addiction to gambling, I also play at the BCHgames and I haven't lost more than $1 because I take my capital first after winning and also know when to stop, greed has been the problem of my losers when it comes to gambling.

Remember that gambling is a choice and cryptocurrency is not the reason for anyone's addiction to gambling.

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Please note that all other images were gotten from Twitter.

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Avatar for George_Dee
2 years ago


Those people who think crypto is gambling have little or no knowledge about crypto and that is why they speak ill against it. Gambling is your choice, just like you said because no one will ever force you, so crypto should not be regarded as one, if only they understand the advantage of crypto, they wouldn't have said that.

But who the hell are the people still having that mentality about crypto in this era? Well, ignorance is a very bad thing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I blame ignorance though, and it is annoying to see some follow the people to say shit instead of making their research. Neither gambling nor crypto will be compulsory for anyone but any human thinking right will understand BCH is the future so crypto can't be compared to gambling in any way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear any kind of money or other precious thing is not gamble and exchanging on it also but betting on it is gamble. Suppose I bought anything and kept it for 3 years I bough the rate was less then now currently. It's not gamble but I must know that when I bought something like USD euro gold digital crypto what was the household and other domestic useful goods? Was it same as after 3 years when I earned a profit from my stores or bought curency? If I kept 1000 USD for three years when was cheap now I sold with high rate but comparing other all things are also right up! This is not gamble but suppose I bet on any thing and earned lot of money at once is gamble. It's my personal point of of view. No matter if anybody differ! Nevermynd

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes my dear it is real .that some people says that it is fake or ok but I believe that it is right and I am totally agree by your amazing article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's not like the market gets bearish all the time and the risks related to BCH are calculated. Gambilign on the other hand is something that's totally left to chance. There's always a calculated amount of risk in any firm of investment. With that being said, comparing BCH with gambling is like comparing all forms of investments as gambling..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I like your point, every investment indeed comes with risk but in gambling, you have zero power over what the result can be while with crypto, you are in charge of your investment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True.... No one is been forced to gamble, it's a choice

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's right, we made the choice so there is no point blaming crypto for gambling.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I super agree with your thoughts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People need to understand the difference between crypto and gambling, they're two separate things. In fact the BCH project alone is enough reason. Those that consider crypto as gambling have zero idea what they're talking about- ignorance at its finest.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The difference is 1 - infinity because they really don't have anything in common.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a top class article, can you please boost it for more visibility.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sure, I will do that sir. Thanks a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gambling is Purley our own choice . Yes others can recommend , influence or greed us to jump in but can't force us to do compulsory. Crypto never trends to gambling nor assist .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's why I mentioned it in the article that it started way back before the invention of crypto currency.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree George. About crypto we shouldn't say it's the reason for gambling. It's a choice of a person. It's the decision of an individual. It's depend of a person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

People lose money with gambling while BCH hands us financial freedom when we invest in it, crypto and gambling are two parallel lines that can't meet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes George that's true. It will never been meet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can relate to this article.A lot of people told me that crypto is gambling and they also gave negative comparison with crypto. I think they look at it as a dark side of earning money,how come they can say it when don't knew anything about it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Crypto and gambling are two different things, lack of understanding makes people do the comparison.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gambling is when you invest in a nonvaluable project.. With BCH, rest assured we are in safe hands.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right, we shouldn't be scared because BCH guarantees us safety with our money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kalau menurut saya sih bitcoin itu bukan game judi.. kita cuma membeli setelah itu kita menambang di saat haraga mulai naik beberapa persentase kita jual dapat untung..

$ 0.00
2 years ago