Asking Yourself 2

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Written by
2 years ago

You can read the first part of the article here. This is the continuation.

What are the three things that I am most grateful for?

To simply put:

  • Life

  • Family and friends

  • Good health

These are the three things I am most grateful for.

Have I done something recently that I could be proud of?

There are things I have done recently that I am proud of. I made a decision to choose what's best over my selfish interest, and more recently, I made a decision to start investing more. I am proud of those choices and decisions I have made.

When was the last time I extended kindness to somebody?

Hehehe. What is kindness really? If I understand what this means, then I would say sometime last month. Surely I can't go into details as that would be inappropriate and goes against my personality.

What question do I want to know the answer to if it will help humanity?

Took some time to really think about this and I really am not sure. But I thought with all the clamour of global warming and how fragile the balance of everything as we know it is: I would like to know if there is another planet that humans can live. Should the answer be YES, I suppose the UN will start planning how to evacuate everyone to the new planet should the need arise in the future. If the answer is NO, then perhaps we will be more conscious about our actions and how it affects the planet. Also change from better so we can preserve our previous home.

What do I really want from life?

I think about this a lot, and I will simply say THE BEST. I want the best life has to offer. But I don't believe life gives to you, you take whatever it is that you want from it or you get nothing at all.

What aspect of my personality still needs improvement?

Emotional and social aspect if I am being honest. I am not the best at processing emotions, neither am I the best at socialising. Although, I have over time learnt how to manage my emotions, but it is no easy task. Sometimes it is overwhelming, other times it is underwhelming. Finding a balance and maintaining that balance is difficult. Also, I am not one to to make new friends. I can meet new people and we talk about things and enjoy the company/conversation but I tend to leave it at that 'acquaintance' stage and never try to push it to friendship. I really don't know why, but that's how I am. Also, I find it difficult to go to social gatherings such as parties. I often see it as a waste of my time that could be better spent sleeping (at least I convince myself sleeping with that time is better than partying).

Must I take other people's advice?

No, I mustn't take other people's advice. Especially when they are bad advice. There are good advice as there are bad advice. That is not to say that you shouldn't seek out other people's advice as it is often their opinion, and opinions are based on people's perspective and experience. In the end, whether or not you want to take someone else's advice is entirely up to you and that is a choice you make. No one will force you to take their advice, they can only make a case for you to see why it is the best advice. That doesn't necessarily mean it is the best though.

What annoys me the most?

I am not sure what annoys me the most, but I can say a thing or two that annoys me every time. First is waking me up from sleep 😂😂. This really gets on my nerve and I am usually grouchy when someone interrupts my beauty sleep. Another is shouting at me. Oh it annoys me so much, I remember when I was working in a textile mill owned by an Indian group and and one of the technician (Indian) shouted at me for leaving my duty post to go drink water. I shouted back at him and told him never to try it ever again. He went to report me to my supervisor and I explained the matter to him. Later, he told one of my colleagues that I should go join the army 😂😂.

Do others find me likable?

I honestly think people find me annoying 😂😂😂. That is not to say I am not sweet and adorable, I can be anything I want to be when I want to be. But generally, I would say I am likable until I am not likable. Really depends on who I am dealing with among other factors too 😂😂.

That would be all for now, to be continued...

Biggest thanks and appreciation to my newest sponsor @Ellawrites thank you so much for the sponsorship, I appreciate your support ma'am.

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Written by
2 years ago


We are the result of our choices and I am glad you acted selfless and then choose to invest more. The results would come in handy and also, invest in yourself as well.

I am grateful for life, family and health too. A lot of people overlook the health part but it's important.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right. Investing in ourselves is the best investment. Also, good health is really underrated fr.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Absolutely, brother. It's the best investment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting set of questions and answers too. I am also not really sociable in real life. I get exhausted in the midst of people that is why I always stay away from the crowd. And that's also the reason why I have very few friends.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha. Thank goodness for the internet eh?😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also need to improve my emotional states and socialising as I am not also good at making new friends. I find it hard as I felt being surrounded by strangers are unsafe and so I always remain alone. However I really wanted to enhance it so people may find me likable as this time I am not as likable as I like myself, 😁. Anyway that is true, sometimes we don't need other's advice as Sometimes their advice makes the things/situation more complicated and so it would be better if we took the decision by ourselves.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hehe. Guess being here and interacting with other people helps right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago