Better Year Ahead

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Avatar for Gabbie77
2 years ago

2021 is going to and end, it just a matter of hours and then we will bid this year a goodbye as we enter into another year 2022. 2021 is mixed with a lot of feelings, some people are ending this year on a high note, some on a middle note, and to some on a very low note. With all this we have been able to pull through to the very end, it's been long race, January to December is not easy, spanning through 365 days is a great job.

The year 2021 has suffered majorly from the spillover of the 2019 global pandemic outbreak Covid-19. Covid-19 impact on countries is still very much in existence, nations seem not to have recovered on the impact, economy of nations, people lifestyle, well-being and welfare of people, businesses and so on also have been affected as a result of Covid-19.

2021 has been a year full of events, during this year I have witnessed a lot of events, beacues as human being we cannot do without experiencing one or two things as a result of life events and transition and we get to learn from it consciously or unconsciously. Our experiences shapes the way we think, react and do things. Everyone will have one on or two things to say about this year 2021. Our experiences are not the same we might have been in the same situation but what we experienced might be the same or differs, that is Life.

Like I said earlier, we are finishing the year on a very different notes, some on a high note, some on middle note and to some on a very low note. As the year is going to and we are ending the year on a different basis. There are different kind of people who belong to categories. In this article, I highlighted three (3) kind of People as the year 2021 is going to an end.

( 1 ) Some people are finishing the year 2021 with great experiences, these are set of people that have been able to achieve much things to some extent, they feel fulfilled, ending the year with joy and happiness.

These are set of people ending the year on a high note , they have been able to do things which can be regarded as a big achievement which includes Owing a house, car or properties, business excellence, academic achievements, getting married or having their children this year, getting Visa, job promotion, all-round success and so many good things. The set of people in this category have been able to achieve goals they planned for this year if not all but to a large percentage and not only achieving their goals they have been able to come in contact with luck as a result of their hardwork and diligence. This set of people can look back and say 2021 has been a blessing to them irrespective of what is going on around the nations. They blossom this year and they expect to do the same in the coming years.

( 2 ) Another category of people is those ending the year on a middle note or medium-high note. People in this category have much plans for this year but they have been able to achieve only half of their plans.

Their goals for these year have not been achieved to a large extent .Human being do desire to have a smooth journey in life, likewise people on this category they desire to have a fulfilled and all-round good year that is why they put much efforts and energy to things they do, but in one way or the other their expectations was not met to some extent, but looking at it they were able to achieve some things. Some people in this category challenge themselves to do better in the coming year, while some will give up because their achievement is not equal or below their expectations.

( 3 ) The third set of people is those finishing the year with on a very low note. These people are ending the year on a very sad note, these sets of people might have tried to commit suicide as a result of failure in what they have engaged themselves in.

The set of people have also tried something or used their energy and effort on something but everything look futile, no result to show for their effort. Nobody chose to be in this condition, but such is life. Life is not equal. A whole year to this people does not have any meaning, they feel neglected, unfavored, ill-luck. They tried their bit and best but to no avail. Set of people in this category include those who experiencd marriage failure, academic failure, business failure and failure in their life goals or pursuit. Some set of people in this category will give up entirely and remain in the cycle of failure year in year out, but there are some who will brace up, re-strategize and go again the coming years and trust me these set of people do make headway.

Like we say, If there is life, there is still hope, it does not matter what the year 2021 has presented before us, but I know for sure that we are capable of making the coming years and most especially 2022 a better one.

This can only be done and achieved once there is determination, diligence, hardwork, commitment, persistent and prayer.

Here are some tips which we can follow to make 2022 a better Year;

1) Reflect on this year 2021; one of the way to achieve transformation is through critical reflection, critically reflect on how you have spent 2021 ponder and think thoroughly on how you make use of the opportunities, decisions you took, where you got it wrong, where your effort was not enough or low and where you have been able to achieve somethings.

we should celebrate our small wins and despise not the days of little beginning. Doing this we prepare before us a better Year Ahead.

2) Make a plan for the forthcoming year 2022; "He who fails to plan, plan to fail".To make 2022 a better Year we must have a plan, goals or target that is reasonable of meeting or achieving. You must go into the new year with a Plan,like they say "New year, New Resolution".

People do trivialize this saying, but if you have a reasonable and attainable plans and you are committed to it, trust me you will have a good result

3) Strategize your plans; A Plan without a strategy cannot yield into anything good. For example if you plan to start a business, Strategize on how you are to go about your business plan. Our strategy must be intact and have a good potentials.

4) Get Started; Once the first three things has been done and are they are free of errors, there is not need for delay, Get Started. Where people do make mistakes is that even if they created plans and strategized, they get scared of starting.

Conquer your fear in this forthcoming year, do things with determination, commitment, hardwork and prayer.

5j Keep going, do not relent, evaluate your progress, if there is need for adjustments or changes, do the needful, avoid nose and incline ears to advise Trust me you will have a better Year.

2021 has been a year, but all thanks God, we have been able to run the race to the end, we are going into a new year let us go with LOVE, JOY, HOPE, DETERMINATION, ZEAL, EXPECTATION & COMMITMENT.

Wishing a prosperous and better new year.

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Avatar for Gabbie77
2 years ago


Let's not relent or give up,let's make better use of the new year.

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2 years ago

I will strive to become better in the coming year. I can't wait

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2 years ago