Does age difference matter in relationships?

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2 years ago
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The first question asked to people who have a girlfriend around us is their age.

Why is this a matter of age?

According to most young women, the first criterion is a man who is at least two years older than her. In middle-aged women, this varies, and she wants men a little younger than herself.

Although younger women are ideal for young men. Buddha may vary.

What strange generalizations, aren't they?

However, from the point of view of the basic dynamics of a relationship or marriage, it does not concern anyone other than the two people who are the subject of the union and their families, depending on their social characteristics. So is it like that in life? Of course not.

Even those who describe themselves as the most "modern" think that money is the basis of the relationship when they see an older man next to a young and beautiful woman. Or we find it very difficult to believe that a young man next to an older woman loves her. What we see may be love, even if we find it hard to believe, right? Or maybe many of the things we think of as love are far from being love.


Depending on their spiritual and physical needs, expectations and tastes, people may make choices for the opposite sex, older or younger than them, and even for their same sex if their preferences are in favor of their same sex. If we look at it from the framework of criteria and situations that everyone can understand, what makes the age difference attractive?


 It is said that women who raise their husbands in a cradle are more intelligent when a woman looks out of her window. In fact, according to the results of a study; One out of every three women between the ages of 40-69 is with men who are 10 years or younger than them, and one out of every 8 women aged 50 prefer men in their 40s. This is the proof of the superiority of our intelligence. Although the main reason women prefer it seems to be to be strong in a relationship, the main reasons are the desired dynamism, movement, importance and sexuality.


The fact that women do not expect a guarantee about the future from younger men and that their needs are met only socially and sexually leads to such a choice, who knows. The aim is perhaps just friendship, fun and happiness. Some women resort to this path because they prefer a man who is more interested in them and can put his career in the background. They catch this in young men, too.


Why does a man prefer an older woman? Pleasant conversation, material, experience and difference in social or sexual life. Age, which is actually a subject that people don't care much about today, has fallen into the background of physical attraction. Because people don't care about biological age anymore. The age that he felt and reflected increased its importance significantly. Such relationships are the result of this view.


Let's take a look through the eyes of men. Most men in their 30s to 40s who have a good job can get away from the fast-paced private life of the past and opt for a quieter life. Another reason may be that he wants to be with a woman who is aware of his femininity or femininity. Perhaps a less common reason is that men no longer want to have children, could it be?

Is there an ideal age difference in bilateral relations, which is how we examine this issue? If we looked at it in terms of logic, I could come up with a number. But the majority of partnerships develop emotionally. Emotions lack ideals, are unclear, even subjective. So I can say that there is no ideal age difference.


For both sexes, perhaps the main reason is the need for security. Because the presence of a person who is more experienced than himself in his life gives confidence to the person. The man, who does not grow as he gets older, naturally prefers a young partner because he avoids the woman who becomes a mother as he grows up. The mother, on the other hand, is looking for a young man to take care of and raise.


 Being with a girl that men can dominate, managing and holding the flag can be considered as another reason. Regardless of the outcome, if it's love, affection, liking, age is always secondary. The important thing is to have a good time, to be happy, to enjoy life without making the floor slippery. Sometimes, chasing feelings and trying not to lose the moment, without caring what anyone says, is more important than anything else, remember!

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Avatar for Fluwon
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Blog, Writing, Experience, ...


I also prefer men that is older than me, the one that I can depend on, Ask for when I need something.more than age related I want a mature person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Of course, everyone has their own preferences. We all need to respect that :) thank you for your comment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It will always depends on the person if what is his / her preference with regards to age. For some age matters but for some it's not.

For me, it matters. I just do not know why but it matters for me. My ideal age of guy is same with mine or if not, older than maybe upto 3 years 🤭😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just like you said, everyone should have their own opinion but I have to say that I like your opinion lol :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Age doesn't matter.. Hahaha.. Love is not planned. True love comes all of a sudden.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

here we found our poet friend hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago