Good day my very good people. It's Monday and the atmosphere is tensed already with that work-full weather mood.
I wasn't able to get publish yesterday because of schedule at work place and church also. My church service unit did end of year Thanksgiving yesterday and it was all fun. From the prayers, dance, uniqueness in dressing, the food and groove afterwards.
My topic today is very a common act in this current era of ours, how we've succeeded in painting some practices as normal, like it doesn't count as an offense to the community or to God.
Are you aware of yahoo(internet fraud)? That's the name we usually call it in my country. It's very rampant here, I don't mean to criticize or judge anybody, calm down I'm heading to somewhere.
This act of fraud is now the order of the day for 80% of young adults on the earth. Are you among the 80%? LOL.
There was one time a policeman(used to be my neighbor) said if this had existed in their time, he would have made lots of money..haha. He got surprised on how the system was catching fire, small boys driving exotic cars, building houses. You wouldn't blame the police man, he works in road so he knows how much displays from these boys sees always whenever is on duty.
It's a crime publicly but acceptable privately.
Internet fraud is now like a normal thing in the country, it's Openly seen as a crime in the public but when it's indoor, crime is not in view anymore. How do I mean? The anti-crime sector that's against fraud is privately engaging in it, both directly and indirect. You'd see a force man(police) that want to get a suspect arrested, he would demand for a large sum of money to close the case instantly. Once he gets the money he closes the case with immediate effect. That's corruption at its peak. I wanted to mention some examples but I don't want people to come for me. LOL.
Another one, parents are openly against internet fraud but when their child hit it hard, it's now "GOD IS AT WORK". Haven't you experienced such? There was a lady in my street with three children(15years to 21years), all boys. These boys derive joy in troubling their mother, everyday trouble, noise, fights and stealing. Some scenarios, when the battle becomes tough for the mother, he calls the pastor to help in resolving issues. Meanwhile these children were into internet fraud and were yet to "pick"(yet to succeed in collecting money from their client). One night around 3:00am there was shout off jubilation from their compound, I didn't know what was it untill the following day. The eldest one got a fine white Camry(I don't too know about cars, I would have mentioned the spec of the car, but it's one of these latest cars). The mother was jubilating, dancing and singing praises to God. Haaa! The next thing that shocked me the most was that, they called a pastor to come and bless the car.It was a praise-full program in their house that day. No doubt, they knew the source of the money but no body bothered, it's God at work
The one happened yesterday in Church, it was an anointing oil service and we were made to deep out hands into the anointed oil, place it on our forehead and make declarations on what we want. I was posted to officiate at the overflow as an usher-our church is a big church and has extension. When the oil got to my spot, I took and handed it over to the next person, "na here problem take start"😂(a scenario occured). The guy next to me was praying aloud that let this oil work for him to enchant any client he chats from henceforth, that he wants the oil to soften their heart to pay him. What a gut! He was saying it with confidence without fear. I was shocked, no fears at all, no regards for holiness. "Why is God too calm?" I asked myself. Thank God, man is not God.
Regarding this effect, this has touched so many areas and it's now regarded as the new thread now. Even the preachers that are supposed to hit on this issue are now Among those supporting them with prayers. I know it's not good to judge, but I see no reason covering the truth with unglodly prayers.🧐
I know truth is bitter but let's be telling ourselves the truth. Even if you're victim, learn to say the truth to yourself.
I know it can't be quenched now but it all start with us. What if your child steps into this act and succeeds in duping someone, would you stay calm and welcome it as God's grace at work or you would question him or her?
Let me go and eat food, I'm hungry😋.
18th October 2021
Thank you for reading.
The case is different when they become the victim in fraudster, in my city now, if you are a young guy and you are not into fraud, they will say you are not ready to succeed in life. Yahoo has become the order of the day, that you will see church MD (music director) and instrumentalists and even kwayas asking for client card so they can use it to cart iPhones.