Bhabhi (Sister-in-law) of the next room. Brother will come from abroad today. Bhabhi is very excited. She woke up in the morning and allowed the mattress and pillow to dry in the hot sun. Cooking of various positions is going on to clean the house.
He left his wife after marriage, and today, after about two and a half years, his brother will meet his fiance again.
After a long wait, the brother finally arrived. He arranged various meals. After eating and drinking, the brother left. About an hour later, he met his friends and exchanged greetings. He came back at about ten o'clock at night.
Bhabhi made many kinds of cakes. But her brother did not see a single cake in his mouth. He is in his own world. He is wandering around this neighborhood.
A few days later, I heard that a friend of my brother's wedding. My brother has done a lot of shopping to attend his friend's wedding. All the friends will go yellow together. Meanwhile, Bhabhi is in a very bad mood. In the circle. His wife has not yet found a place in the world of happiness. Very sad! Bhabhi is shedding tears alone, she can't even talk to her son-in-law in shame, she can't even sleep. Moreover, there are small tours with friends every day.
In fact, when a girl / boy starts a new life, some characteristics are created. If there are discrepancies in the characteristics, then there will be discrepancies in the marital life.
After marrying the girl for the first time, the brother leaves at the end of two months. The girl can leave her family with the support of her life partner, in love. But she is not getting the support because of her actions.
Secondly, the girl is still living her life keeping her emotions under control. And she is living this life in the hope of a beautiful life, in the hope of a man of love.
The girl has been waiting for a long time for her life partner, the man she loves. The girl has dreamed a lot of colors. The husband will actually hand over the food of his choice in his own hands. The two of them will be lost in a place of their choice. Get ready for breakfast at night.
But there is a man of hope, love, living by his side in his world. He is spending all his time on his own. The girl is only there for the night. She also wants to hold her husband's hand and tell a little story.
But did the husband give her the applicable value? When the girl does not get dignity, respect, time, then automatically unwanted thoughts will be born in her mind. Anger, resentment, hatred is born in the mind of some people.
And then the unspoken feeling of his mind that he will listen with interest will make him feel good or feel comfortable.
Respect for the one who gives a little time, love will grow automatically. Unless we can love one another wholeheartedly, the story will not feel good or comfortable in the chat, our married life will not be sweet.
Experts have said that marriage is an art. The more beautifully decorated it is, the more beautiful it will be, the more peace will come.
And for all these reasons, some girls may be trapped in the trap of extramarital affairs.
If a normal, sane girl gets her husband by her side to listen to her or listen to her words, she will not step on immoral acts or any unwanted path easily.
Most of our expatriates go abroad year after year to earn a living. It is not easy to meet family members. Many spend years with their brides. In this situation, it is very important to have phone conversations with their wives. Reasons not to come, future plans, current thoughts It is better to share. The minds of the two will be bright and clear.
Age also applies in this case. As we age, our mind and brain also mature.
Therefore, especially in the first stage, try to give your wife as much time as possible. Share your thoughts, happiness and sorrow, stay by your side. Build one in one's mind, fill it, and do it in such a way that the man of love wanders everywhere in your mind.
Thank you.
Very interesting story, every honor.