My life experience.

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3 years ago

I have lots of thoughts running through my mind now.should I put this into writing or not, what will people say about you on seeing your experience.

Am really hoping for the best out of this because it took me a long time to decide on writing this,my life experience.Normally I don't but I just decided to so people can share in my experience as well.

My parents died when I was just 10years old in a car crash on their way back from an outing,I Started staying with my uncle who treated me so badly,he enrolled me in government school and removed me from the private standard school I used to attend, he used me as his sex toy whenever his wife wasn't around and would threaten me not to tell her that if I do so, he will kill me and dump my body,being a little child I just kept quiet and allowed him use me to his satisfaction,at fifteen I was pregnant and he took me to a place where I aborted the baby.

I was not fed properly,he always promised me lots of goodies which he never fufilled,I became so accustomed to sex that it was like a normal thing to me.

I became attached to a Friend in school who I later opened up to and she advised to tell my uncle's wife which I told her was a bad idea, I just kept crying and crying without looking for a solution,I finished my secondary school and still going through this torture with no one to run to for help, then an idea struck my mind which was to run away from the house but then again I thought where will I run to and I decided to stay back, this continued and I had to abort another child for my uncle aswell.

One day I met a guy who confessed his feelings towards me saying I should be his girlfriend but then I already have this hatred towards men in general so I just turned down his proposal, I knew dating a guy was never a good idea at all, I sat down and pondered over it that it will be a good idea to escape from my uncle's claws, so I accepted after some rethink, because he appeared to me as a cool and gentle guy unknowingly to me that I was leaving from one tigers claws to another.

I left my uncle's house and started staying with this guy, af first he was so good , caring,loving, and everything but after a month he just changed to someone different,he kept late night, came home with different girls, always coming home drunk, and if I dared to question him he beats the hell out of me, he refused eating my food or touching me as a woman. I felt so sad and I questioned God about my existence,at this point I decided to live my life Alone without no one.

I was introduced to a rehabilitation centre because of all the wounds and bad thoughts incurred on me, internal injury as well.a friend of mine took me there,I started attending the classes.and I decided to look for a way to make money without being used by a guy or anyone for anything, I was introduced by a friend of mine to this platform, but I haven't been able to make much From this but I actually hope for more better days.

On Sharing this story... tears are dropping down my face because I just remember my past and how the cold hands of death swept my parents from my life which led to the turnaround of everything, but I promise myself I will move on and not let this get to me because I have learnt that life goes on and everything Happens for a reason.

Please just share your thoughts.i need a way I could fend for myself, most especially during this period where getting a job is really difficult, because have been to many places but still no job it's either there's no vacancy or something else.I actually cut the whole story short to avoid bombarding you guys with my boring life experience story but maybe some other time I will do that..I don't even wish my enemies to experience what I experienced...

Please like and comment..I really need your help...🙏🙏🙏

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3 years ago


You are more than what you think you are you are more than what you imagine yourself to be. Make a mark in this world.

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3 years ago

Be strong and let the light of our creator enlighten your way, it is a very painful experience to share but it is also a way to overcome all of the bad things that happen in your life, please seek the wisdom of our Heavenly Father time will heal all the painful things that happened in your life.

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User's avatar eve
3 years ago

Thanks really appreciate your contribution

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3 years ago

open your heart with all the little blessings in your life and everything will follow.

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User's avatar eve
3 years ago