The doctrine of giving to the needy_ Alms Giving

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2 years ago

Hello Lovelies!!! It's been a while. My busy schedule wouldn't let me to be functional these past few days. This article was meant to be published on Easter Sunday though we are still on Easter week🤗

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I'm not a pastor or a preacher,sorry you got to be seeing some Bible quotations as it is in accordance to what I will be talking about today. Alot has been happening in our society, it's obvious people give in other to be praised, especially on social media platforms. The elites makes videos when helping the needy which is very common this days and is not meant to be so!! It's so wrong. I will be throwing more light on the types of giving 👇👇

First fruit

First Fruit is usually done once a year or for every new blessings that you receive. For instance; the house of God should receive the full amount of the salary you get from your new job. I got to know about this type of giving during my high school days as a scripture union leader. But honestly,when I started working I never did this 🤣🤣 .. I knew it's the right thing to do but deep down I was pondering on how to give out the whole salary with nothing left🤔. After thinking for a while I decided to give 10% and I said to myself

" God will understand"Lol.

This type of giving is actually the hardest of them all.

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Tithes often gets confused with offering but both are very different from each other. According to the bible,tithes are 10% of your income ( Leviticus 27:30) and it can't count as an offering. Anything you give more than the required tithe is what comes as an offering. Tithes is a way of giving thanks for all the blessings that you are receiving.

The first act of tithing was done by Abraham ,when he came back from battle and was met by the priest who attributed his victory to God and blessed him for it,then Abraham gave a tenth of everything ( Genesis 14;19_20)


As mentioned above, offering differs from tithes, unlike tithing which has a required amount of how much you should give. Offerings are more of a free will,it's upto you how much seed you want to give.

Alms Giving

Unlike those listed above which should be given to God,Alms are for mankind. Your compassion and sympathy will lead you to help the less fortunate and the needy. The Bible says we should give alms in secret and the gift that is made secretly is recommended so that God who sees in secret will reward the giver openly. Giving to the needly is the product of love,if we really love we should not give for people to praise and reward us,alot of people seems not to understand this. In our society today! You hardly see people Giving alms without videoing it and with the intention of puting it on their social media handles for people to praise them. Why will you prefer earthly praises to the blessings of God?? In alms giving, let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing and when you give,give with the right intentions and expect nothing in return!!!

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Smiles,I remember vividly last year when I was in so much need to repair my phone screen,which developed fault few days to my seminar defence. My department does seminar every semester and my work was saved on my phone and I haven't printed it out before the incident. I was so helpless,I couldn't think of what to do. I couldn't call my parents for help because they had just payed my tuition fee which is not a small money either,and on my own side my coins in crypto were depreciating badly that if I sell it to raise money then I will loss alot, I also loss money in Ponzi scheme few days before this happened,and i emptied my savings to get my makeup box and Equipments (If you are a makeup artist you will understand that makeup things are very expensive) hoping that Ponzi will pay🤦🏽‍♀️. Since I didn't die then as a result of depression I don't think that will happen again🤣

So,one faithful day,I was in my tent asking God the way forward. My phone rang and I picked, behold it was a man that has been on neck then. He said and I quote

" Faith I haven't seen you online for days now what happened"

I told him what happened. He laughed,on his mind he has gotten the opportunity to get what he has been looking for,he said and I quote

" Come for weekend in my house,I will get you a new phone and their will be no need to repair the old one,I have told you several times always come close to me whatever you need I will provide"

I said to myself this is devil speaking from the pit of hell. I told him I'm not interested in whatever he has to offer,if he can't genuinely help without expecting anything in return he should forget it.

He said and I quote

" even as broke as you are now you still can't change,come and defend your seminar let me see.

I ended the call. The summary of the whole thing is_ that particular day,I didn't tell my elder sister about the phone issue. He just sent me about $35 unexpectedly which was more than enough to repair my phone.what God cannot do does not exist Sha!!🥰 I rushed to repair my phone and print out my work immediately.

Give without expecting nothing,and don't give into their demand coz of what you think you are going through now. Nothing lasts forever,same with obstacles and challenges of life. Note that experience brings maturity, usually every first major difficult moment in any ones life always has it's fears but the more you face such moments of challenges the more experienced and mature you are going to become. Anytime you encounter a new challenge in life and conquer it,you gain self respect and advanced confidence within you,the challenges and tough experience contributes immensely to your maturity and greatness in life provided you are able to deal with them effectively.

Doctrine of God is centered on love and Giving to the needy with the intention for others to see and praise you Foster's pride and A man's pride shall bring him low but honour shall uphold the humble spirit,when you love, love wholeheartedly and make sure your love is in accordance to all the attributes in (1Cor 13:4)

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Thanks for reading today's Article🤗

Happy Easter Beautiful people !!!

Lots of love🥰🥰

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Avatar for Faithie
2 years ago
