Someone abuse one of my cats.

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1 year ago
Topics: Cat, Fur Parent, Fur Babies, Dogs, Animals, ...

November 6, 2022. Sunday.

Others who often read my articles may know that I am a Fur Parent and we have pets at home. I've done an article about that before. I mentioned that we have 2 dogs which are Betong and Bridgette and there is an additional one puppy now that I named Buchi, we also have 2 cats which is Potato (Watiwat is his former name) and Tagulamen.

I really like animals that's why the number of our pets at home has increased like that. My pets are the ones who cheer me up when I'm down and sad. They become my stress reliever. And it can't be denied that they are really tender, so just by being close to me when I'm sad, they lighten up my mood quickly. And to add to that, they are very clingy. That's why when they're sick, I'm really worried and can't be reassured while they're not getting better. I think of them as family and I treat them as part of the family, so I just worry abou them and love them a lot.

But this past week something unexpected happened to one of my Fur Babies, specifically Tagulamen. Before I tell you what happened to him, I will tell you a little background about him first. Tagulamen is a male cat. He has been here with us for 3 years. Potato and Tagulamen were adopted together, they are siblings. Tugulamen is a kind cat, as in he is really kind and actually he is kinder than Potato. Potato is usually stubborn and naughty while Tagulamen is gentle and obedient. Another difference between them is that Potato is lazy, he is always at home just waiting for us to give him food. But even though he is like that, I still love him. Tagulamen, on the other hand, is hardworking, when there is no food in the house, he leaves and finds his own food. He often go to the nearby river because he can get a lot of food there plus the fish thrown by the fishermen. The name of that cat is Tagulamen because it is black in color with white spots, as we Filipinos call it "batik batik".

And let's get to what happened to him. Tagulamen disappear for how many days, 8 days to be exact. The first day he didn't come home, we weren't worried because it usually happens, there are nights when he doesn't sleep with us. But it's been two days and he hasn't come home, that's when we got worried and started looking for him. Actually, they were the only ones looking for him because I was always in school. They asked our neighbors if they noticed our cat but they said no. They also went to the river where Tagulamen often went, they went around the riverside but Tagulamen was not there. They also asked questions at the Subdivision next to us, but there was nothing. The search took several days, but Tagulamen was never seen until he had been missing for more than a week.

And yesterday we were all surprised to see him. He came home here but we don't know where he came from. When he came home at noon, the other people in the house were asleep and I was doing laundry, so I didn't notice which direction he came from. We were happy because he finally went home but when we saw him we were very sad. He is very thin, his eyes are watering, he walks very slowly and above all, some part of his face is cracked/broken. I didn't get to take any more pictures of him because I felt too much compassion and pity for his condition and appearance. I actually cried when I saw him. Who can't cry when your pet looks like that?

Our cat has been treated badly and we don't know who did it to him. Because his face cannot be broken without doing anything to him. For sure, if he hadn't been retaliated in the face, he might have been run over by vehicles. So who can do that to just a cat? They have no mercy. Even though we don't know who did that to him, I'm sure they has karma. I can say that because I have a hint as to who did that to our cat, but I can't accuse because I don't have any evidence. That's why it's up to karma to get them back.

Now we are taking care of Tagulamen as much as we can but we don't know if we can cure him. He is also very weak and he doesn't eat anymore, all he does is drink water constantly. My grandfather and grandmother said that Tagulamen just went home to bid goodbye to us. But I can't accept that and I hope that he will get better.

I just hate people who hurt animals. It's because they just a pet, they can do whatever they want with it. Animals also have lives and they are not just pets to be called. They also have importance in this world. And they need also to be loved and treated rightly. So the only thing I can say to people who are reckless in hurting animal is that will get you back.

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And that's all for today. Thank you very much for reading this article of mine, I appreciate it so much. Happy Sunday to everyone. Have a great day and God Bless us all.

I made it in Canva

Lead image source: Unsplash

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1 year ago
Topics: Cat, Fur Parent, Fur Babies, Dogs, Animals, ...


I am so sorry about your cat but I am amazed that people could be so wicked. What did the cat do to them? I just hope he gets better and please take him to visit the vet.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah there are people who are so wicked that they can harm animals too much. Yes thank you. For now we can't really take them to the vet because we're out of money, so we just do our best to take care of him and fed him.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So sorry about for your pet, some humans wouldn't feel this pains, I still remember the pains of my dog, which was hit by car

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes they don't know the pain when you see your pets suffering from pain.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nasad ako habang binabasa ko langga kasi pet lover ako. Nadudurog puso ko pag nalalaman ko na yung pet sinasaktan. Pray ko na maging okay na siya langga. 🙏

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Opo eh hindi ko alam bakit may mga ganyan pong tao na kayang kaya manakit ng hayop. Sige po, salamat po.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo langga. Napaka insensitive sa mga hayop langga. Di marunong maawa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's too much! animals have feelings too kagigil lang talaga

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sinabi nyo pa po, grabe po talaga yung ginawa nila sa pusa namin. Wala po silang awa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago