Wasted Effort | Rants 101

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2 years ago
02-24-22 | Eurydice

Disclaimer: This article is full of rants and disappointments. I didn't intend to give you bad vibes but I really need to do this to lessen my anger.

What a bad bad bad (10000x) day!!!! I spent my entire day from 7 am- 3 pm for nothing!!

Today is our Enrolment for 2nd semester. I woke up at 5 am because I want to arrive early in school. When I arrived, there are already a lot of students falling in line for the QR code scanning. After almost 20 mins. of waiting, my QR code finally scanned and I fell in line again for another enrolment process.

I thought that today's enrolment will run smoothly but I was wrong. We encountered a lot of problems which made me feel impatient and irritated.


The enrolment process is very chaotic because of the unclear instructions and due to the fact that it was overcrowded. We are instructed by our school that today is for the enrolment process of both 3rd year and 4th year students but I can see lower years who are also processing their enrolment papers. There are a lot of steps to do which made us more confused because the school personnel were calling the same names over and over again. I think that was due to the enrollee's incorrect papers. I got very annoyed of how they call the names because they're using 3 microphones and they were announcing in chorus. We can't hear their words or announcements clearly which made us more confused and irritated. It also made the enrolment process more chaotic and unorganized.


Due to the big crowd, social distancing and COVID-19 protocols was overlooked which leads the police officers to ask the personnels to give intervention about the problem. We are asked to stay in the lobby and wait for our names to be called. I got upset because those firstcomers became last and those students who came last became the first students who got their enrolment clearance. I can say that it was really unorganized and I can guarantee that my co-students felt the same way as I do. I think, our school was given a warning by the police officers to do something about the said matter because the school is so crowded. In fact, they took some pictures which I think will be the evidence of how crowded our school was.


This made me so upset because I thought that our scholarship was already granted to our student account. Little did I know, it was not yet granted and I have to pay for my balance. Unfortunately, I didn't bring enough money to pay for the amount because I thought that our scholarship was already granted. If only I know that I have to pay for my balance, I should have bring enough money or even prepare money to pay such big amount. They should have announce it first. Hays! I spent my 8 hours in school for nothing. It was really a waste of time!!

I, together with my close friends decided to go home and just process the enrolment papers next week because it was extended until March 3. What a bad bad bad bad (10000x) day, indeed!!!!

Again, sorry for the bad vibes. I just can't get over with the things I encountered earlier.

Anyways, thank you so much for my co-writers who keeps on commenting, liking, subscribing and upvoting my articles.. I love you, all.

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2 years ago


Kasayang sa imo effort :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sayang jud kaayo, pero sagdi lgg. Move on nlg :( Visaya ka or Tagalog? hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Visaya nga gitagalog bicolano ilonggo hahah basta damo

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah sure hahaha add 79859846

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember when I was going to register I also went through the same thing, and there was no pandemic. They made us go at 6am and each person is given a schedule, but then they don't follow it, if it's your turn at 8am, but they make a mess, because instead of 8am it can be in the afternoon or at night. It is really horrible that registration process, the only good thing is that you spend most of the day with your friends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly! Instead of absorbing the negative atmosphere in school, we chose to go to various places to have fun. But as I went home, I really can't get over with what happened given that I lived far from our school and I spent $6 for my fare for just nothing. Hays, but I'm okay now. Bdw, thank you for your comment :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, for me it's a lot to spend $6 in airfare and more if they wasted your time, now I understand much more why you were so upset haha Thanks to you for posting what happened to you :)

The only positive thing that happened to you was being with your friends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nyemaaasss na skwelahan HAHAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humana ka, Macky?

$ 0.00
2 years ago