My Ex's and Whys

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Avatar for Eurydice
2 years ago

"You can learn something new from every person you meet". -Anonymous

Meeting new people is one of the best things that we can experience in our lives. We can either learn from them or they can learn from us.

Hi fam, I'm not a newbie in this site since I already made a lot of accounts in the past. But since my beautiful friend recommended me to make a new one because my last account was not active at all, I accepted her challenge hahaha. Hi @Athaliah.

Tonight, I wanted to share to my family how I met the people who didn't just give lessons to my life, but the people who made me believe in the word called " Love".

My first ex's name was Harold. I can describe him as a tall, dark and handsome man. I first met him during the Quadrangular Meet of our School. By the way, he was a Badminton Player. Everytime our school have a tournament, he was always chosen as their school's representative. Obviously, we are not from the same school. We officially communicated after the school tournament where we exchanged messages and such.

Why did we break up?

Our relationship lasted for 5 months. We broke up because I realized that I was not ready to be in a relationship and so as him. Another thing was that I was not into long distance relationship since our only means of communication was through facebook messenger. As of now, we are still friends on facebook. He was now happy together with my elementary friend and their 4 years old child.

My second Ex's name was Joshua. He was a very charming, smart (he was a consistent honor student) and cute (because of his dimples). I met him in our school and by the way, he was my first ex's schoolmate. I first saw him during a specific leadership seminar in our school. He stood out because he always volunteered to talk in front every time there's a presentation. He was my first boyfriend who introduced me to his parents and I was his first girlfriend also.

Why did we break up?

Our relationship lasted for about 7 months. I was the one who ended our relationship because all of our attitude were somewhat opposites. I am this childish, immature and happy go lucky girlfriend while he was a very calm, smart and serious guy. At first, he was hesitant to accept my decision. We officially broke up but even if we're not together, he still promised to be by my side. He courted me again for about 2 years but even if I don't want to hurt him, I still need to reject him for his own good. As of now, he was happily married and they were already expecting a baby.

My third Ex's name was Joven. Honestly, our relationship was unexpected. I can say that we were forced by his family and "our" friends to be together. When I first arrived at my uncle's pad since I was having a vacation, his family always teased us. They say that we are good together because we have the same face. Yes, we have the same shape of face and we have the same nose. In fact, I sometimes called him "longnose".

Why did we break up?

Our relationship lasted for 3 months. After the vacation, I have to go home to prepare for the enrolment. Since I was not into Long Distance Relationship, I decided to end our relationship for our own good. As of now, we are still friends in Facebook and he is now enjoying his life as a preacher, preaching the words of God.

My last Ex's name was Kenneth. He was a handsome, cute and famous man. He was from Manila and he transfered here in our hometown. He was also from my First and Second Ex's school and he was the principal's grandson. He was considered as a heartthrob because he was so handsome. Aside from that, he was also cute specially when he tried to speak Visayan language. We first met in social media and as time passed by, we fell for each other.

Why did we break up?

Our relationship lasted for 8 months. We broke up because he needs to transfer again to the City. When he was already in the City, I felt some changes in our relationship which made me decide to end it. There are also hearsays that he was courting another girl in his school that's why I felt betrayed and insulted. We are still friends in facebook as of now and he was still waiting for the girl of his dreams.

I considered all of my Ex's as one of the most significant persons in my life since I was able to learn many things from them which made me who I am today. Currently, I am enjoying my life together with my 4 years boyfriend. The lessons that I got from my Ex's which are to be matured, to trust someone wholeheartedly and to be patient all the time helped me to become a better girlfriend to my man.

This is all for tonight, Goodnight.



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Avatar for Eurydice
2 years ago


I hope and wish I have mine too. 🥺 Sana all

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know that you have a "many to mention" Exe's. Aminin HAhaha di makaya ug 600 words HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, HAHAHA di gyud feel nako masobra sa 10minutes ang reading ana 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eury's love story makes me feel like potato haha Im rooting for your happy ending XOXO

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you, MarCosis. I know that you're in a healthy relationship also. Ayiieh, rooting for you too HAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mangugat tang tanan❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome Eury! Haha just enjoy your stay here❣️ by the way sanaol daghan ug ex haha I want to read more about your current lover si kuan ahaha pagsulat ug love story ninyo ha !

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Huy Kang.. Gihulat nako si Gideon kay sungugon nako HAHAHAHAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha bulgar tanang sekreto

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy for you that you're now in a healthy relationship for 4 years. Some people are temporary lang talaga but the lesson and memories from them are forever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, thank you so much💕. You're right, it's the memories that count - either good or bad memories💕.

$ 0.00
2 years ago