Erza: my self introduction

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3 years ago

Hello, hi? Glad to meet the community here. My name is Erza, I am new here. I found this platform interesting in its way,i guess I will be able to share journey of my life and thoughts about this life. I would like to read about other writers on this platform too.

Here a little sharing about myself. I am a lady who loves to sketch/draw, preferred coffee, and In love with nature and photography.

I used to spend my time sketching and drawing portraits during my teen's life. Living life into adolescence made life became hectic that I couldn't spend more time on it any more. But well, I still working on it whenever I am free. Portrait, in my point of view is an emotional art other than the need of having skills and techniques. You need to put all of your emotions and passion into it then you can have a satisfying result. Later, at the end of my self-introduction, I will show one of my portrait sketches.

I love nature, and I love taking pictures of it. Most of my taken photos were about the sun, beach, sea and rain. Beach were my favourite places, and it always became my choice whenever we held a family gathering. I love how the place and scenery soothed my mind and gave calm to the soul. What a majestic creation of God. Rains somehow brought me down memory lane. It reminds me of teary happiness.

Talk about spending quality time, bonding time with family is a must.

I love my family, of course, which each of us will do, I love spending time with my family, seldom with my friends. Well, the family came first right? Quality time with family is the best, they are sure happy pills. Spending time with them makes me happy.

However, it doesn't mean that I would mind having a moment with friends.

Friends are precious too. They filled every bittersweet in our life, true friends warmed our heart, false friends gave us a lessons.

After all, we should spend our time as much as we can with the one we loves. Life is short and you will never know how much time we have to spend with each other.

2019-Pretty sister in law

Above is my portrait sketching.This is my pretty sister in law.I hope everyone enjoy reading my introduction.Below is another bonus, picture of the majestic nature I took by my own.


Have a cup of coffee, and enjoy. Thank you for reading.😊

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3 years ago


Welcome to the community. I hope you will have a great time and experiences with this platform.

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3 years ago