Foods to avoid for heart disease

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3 years ago
Topics: Health

A common question for heart patients is what to eat and what not to eat. What you play will keep your heart healthy and healthy and what foods need to be avoided. In this case, different doctors provide different types of tips. Risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, cigarettes, blood cholesterol. Since heart disease is caused by these risk factors, we need to control these factors. Salt is the cause of high blood pressure in our body. So if we want to control heart disease or control high blood pressure, we need to eat less salt. It is not necessary to skip salt at all, our body needs 1 teaspoon or 1500 mg of salt daily. Since heart patients have enough water in their body and salt also contains water, it is forbidden for heart patients to eat salt. Also need to eat less water.

Then comes the topic of diabetics, diabetics are instructed to eat less carbohydrates and sweet foods. People who have high blood cholesterol are told to eat less fatty foods. If you smoke, you must quit smoking, if you are overweight, you have to lose weight, you have to diet. People who have heart disease from birth must eat healthy vegetable oils. The oils that are obtained from plants are called vegetable oils. There are different types of vegetable oils such as olive oil, avogado oil, sunflower oil, rice brown oil, these types of oils are healthy. The two oils that are harmful to vegetable oils are palm oil and coconut oil. Between these two oils is saturated oil, this saturated oil increases the amount of LDL in our blood. This LDL is harmful to our heart, which blocks our heart. We need to avoid these two oils when cooking or eating. While soybean and mustard oil are beneficial for our body, olive oil is more beneficial for our body.

Foods you need to eat for heart disease -

Whether we have heart disease or not, we need to eat less carbohydrates. Carbohydrate foods include rice, rice, bread, potatoes, coke, sugar, sweets, lotus drinks, etc. These should be eaten less. Sometimes it is seen that children do not want to eat anything at home because they are fed more junk food outside. Among junk foods like pizza, burgers, hot dogs, these. So it is seen that their weight becomes much more. So to reduce the risk of heart disease we need to eat less of all the carbohydrate foods in our fast food outlets. Although these foods are carbohydrates or healthy, but if we eat too much of them, our lower abdomen will continue to accumulate fat. This will increase body weight and increase the risk of diabetes.

Let's talk about protein foods. Protein foods include egg whites, fish, meat and pulses. We need to keep more of these protein foods in our body. Protein foods help build our bodies and play a role in preventing certain diseases.

Let's talk about oily foods or fatty foods. Foods that are high in saturated fat, which increases the amount of LDL, should be eaten less in oily foods. And foods that are high in unsaturated fats should be eaten more This includes marine fish. Notable among the marine fish is salmon, which is found more in the western countries. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as hilsa fish, harding fish or mackerel. Although marine fish have fat, they are extremely good for our hard and healthy.

Then came the vegetables. Among the vegetables, the fresh and colorful ones are good for our health or heart. Then there are the flower-fruits which are very juicy and sweet which increase our body weight. And those that are juicy but less sweet or rich in potassium, such as coconut water, bananas, these are very beneficial for our health or heart. It is important to note that those who have heart problems should drink less water but those who do not have problems should drink water as usual.

(Note- I wrote it in my native language and translated this article into English) Thank you for reading.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Health


We need to avoid food that brings our heart to collapse. Also, we need to avoid stress. And be more physical activated. Easy walk by some areas like parks or nearby forests with a lot of trees will be perfect. Heart is precious and it is sad how people don't realize that at one moment and maybe is crucial that moment.

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3 years ago

Yeah. You are right. Thank you for your beautiful complement ❤️

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3 years ago