do not assume things before giving it a try, first go ahead and give it a try the highest that could happen will be a failure but that is not the end ... you can always try again...for instance one of my experience trying to get thins done, at first, I just assumed that I won't succeed but after giving it a second thought, I decided to give it a try and at the end, it was successful
the second instance you should not assume is when you want to as for something from someone, do not assume that you won't get it ...approach the person, ask... the worst thing that could happen is' no'
but always ask..even the bible says'ask and you will receive so why then will you just assume that you won't get what you want without asking and also ask when you are not clear about anything because if you don't, you will be left in a people please do not assume things without giving it a try
please subscribe me for more of this @Equator-2
I always assume for the worst because I think it's a lot easier for that than to hope for the best. What a mindset, right?