I am/ Yo soy

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Avatar for EneidaPerez
3 years ago
Topics: Life

Eneida, that's what my dad called me because he liked that epic that Virgilio wrote, I'm Josefina because that's my mother's name and I'm Trinidad because I was born in a deeply Catholic home ... that resulted in: Eneida Josefina de la Trinidad

Well, with that queen's name I have no choice but to be the most splendid, magnificent and remarkable creature of Josefina and Candelario, although that has caused me serious difficulties and animosity that I discovered just when I was 50 years old, a little late, right?

My childhood and adolescence were acceptably happy, I played with my sisters and we fought a lot but I thought that was normal, my mother encouraged competition between us, she always told me to tell my second genetic accident “Rosario, you are so beautiful and I so ugly ”and also insistently repeated that she danced better than me

Later I found out that this was because from a very young age my father and my grandmother praised my memory and intelligence, my mother and sisters said that it was a psychiatric disorder, then as an adult and through some tests they determined that I have a Q- memory eidetic and an IQ of 126 on the Binet scale

What have I done with it? Of course I was always a first-class student, my father (my guide) taught me to read at 3 years old with the comic books in the newspapers, I skipped grades in primary school because “I already knew” and so I arrived prematurely at a high school where I felt like “ cockroach in chicken dance ”all my classmates were older than me and many were bothered by the fact that the little girl, who was ugly by the way, took advantage of them in all subjects, when the time came for the Diversified Cycle, I wanted to study Mechanics or Electricity but my father He sentenced: You are going to study Nursing because your mother is a Nurse and she has never missed work and ... well, that's the way it was, three years later I was graduating from Bachelor of Care, mentioning Nursing and now it was my turn to show my mother that I would be a Doctor, that I would never validate that expression of false modesty that she repeated during my childhood, since many were the occasions in which when faced with compliments for my intelligence, she answered that "that ugly black hair chicharron if she will be a waitress"

I began studies in Medicine and then for convenience I changed to Nursing, I studied and worked at night in the operating room of a type A hospital, five years later I graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing, two more years and I got married to get married ... because the custom was Getting married, after the birth of my first daughter, one of many unpleasant events happened in my large family, but that told me: Eneida, you go back to university to study what you like: building houses like my father, so in the first I had the opportunity to present the Academic Attitude Test at the Faculty of Engineering of the Central University of Venezuela and against all odds, I was in third place among 3,000 participants, I started the race, I got divorced and my mother said that my three daughters: they were the only diplomas that I had obtained until the day I told him: “get dressed, we're going to Caracas now, today is the Thanksgiving mass for my Engineer promotion and all this week you will have to accept mpañarme because it is my graduation "

On the day of the award ceremony I was surrounded by my daughters, my mother and one of my sisters who have been the biggest perpetrators that I have had in my life, they were all moved when before announcing my name, the master of ceremonies said: Standing Graduates ”at least my sister already knew what followed: La Negrita Fea was graduating with honors of Geodesta Engineer and Civil Engineer, it was the first index in the Geodestas promotion and also the Final Degree Project had a Publication Mention .

I needed to achieve the purpose of getting a doctorate, for that I took advantage of the opportunities to work at the UCV, I did a master's degree in Engineering Project Management, in University Teaching and another in Strategic Planning and because I was also the National Manager of Cartography I required increasing knowledge in the managerial area, so I opted for a Doctorate in Management, in addition to studying Structural Engineering at the same time.

I succeeded, I am a Doctor ... the only really Doctor in the family

I can only thank you for reading me, for allowing me to be here with you. How did I get here? On the recommendation of my daughter Sandra, who in turn has received invitations and when she checked the page she thought that I would like it, because writing at least one book is one of my dreams and taking that into account she suggested that I start here, she is a regular reader and He says that with the stories that you publish I can realize that my life is full of material enough to write an encyclopedia and, following your advice I admit that I have been surprised by the variety of experiences that I have found here, some narrate successes and victories, other disappointments and sadness but all are good and some are very warm… I like them and with all my heart I hope to continue enjoying your readings and that you enjoy mine in which I will deal with various aspects, I have not told you that I like to cook, take care of my plants, spirituality (not witchcraft) and of course teaching and I love engineering, although I have not lost sight of the nursing update because one does not know when to lay hands of everything she has learned, for a reason God presents it to us


Eneida, así me llamó mi papá porque a él le gustaba esa epopeya que escribió Virgilio, soy Josefina porque así se llama mi mamá y soy Trinidad porque nací en hogar profundamente católico… eso resultó en: Eneida Josefina de la Trinidad

Bien, con ese nombre de reina no me queda más remedio que ser la más esplendida, magnífica y notable criatura de Josefina y Candelario, aunque eso me ha causado serias dificultades y animadversiones que descubrí apenas al cumplir lo 50 años ¿un poco tarde verdad?

Mi infancia y adolescencia fueron aceptablemente felices, jugaba con mis hermanas y peleábamos mucho pero yo pensaba que eso era normal, mi mamá incentivó la competitividad entre nosotras, siempre me decía que le dijera a mi segunda accidente genético “Rosario, tu tan bonita y yo tan fea” y además repetía con insistencia que ella bailaba mejor que yo

Más tarde me enteré de que eso era porque desde muy pequeña mi padre y mi abuela alababan mi memoria e inteligencia, mi madre y hermanas decían que era un trastorno psiquiátrico, luego ya en edad adulta y mediante algunas pruebas determinaron que tengo una memoria Q-eidética y un CI de 126 en la escala de Binet

¿Qué he hecho con eso? Por supuesto siempre fui estudiante de primera, mi papá (mi guía) me enseñó a leer a los 3 años con la comiquitas de los periódicos, salté grados en primaria porque “ya sabía” y así llegué prematuramente a un liceo donde me sentia como “cucaracha en baile de gallinas” todos mis compañeros eran mayores que yo y a muchos le molestaba que la niñita, que de paso era feita, les sacara ventaja en todas las materias, llegado el momento del Ciclo Diversificado, quería estudiar Mecánica o Electricidad pero mi padre sentenció: Te vas a estudiar Enfermería porque tu mamá es Enfermera y nunca le ha faltado trabajo y… bueno, así fue, tres años después me estaba graduando de Bachiller Asistencial mención Enfermería y ahora me tocaba demostrarle a mi mamá que yo si sería Doctora, que yo nunca validaría aquella expresión de falsa modestia que ella  repetía durante mi infancia, pues muchas fueron las ocasiones en las que frente a los halagos por mi inteligencia ella respondía que “esa negrita fea pelo chicharrón si acaso será camarera”

Inicié estudios de Medicina y luego por comodidad  me cambié para Enfermería, estudiaba y trabajaba de noche en el quirófano de un hospital tipo A, cinco años después me gradué de Licenciada en Enfermería, dos años más y me casé por casarme… porque la costumbre era casarse, luego del nacimiento de mi primera hija, sucedió uno de tantos eventos desagradable en mi familia grande, pero eso me dijo: Eneida usted vuelve a la universidad a estudiar lo que le gusta: hacer casitas como mi padre, así que en la primera oportunidad que tuve presenté la Prueba de Actitud Académica en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y contra todo pronostico, quedé en el tercer puesto entre 3.000 participantes, comencé la carrera, me divorcié y mi mamá decía que mis tres hijas: eran los únicos diplomas que había obtenido hasta el día que le dije: “vístete que nos vamos para Caracas ya, hoy es la misa de Acción de Gracias de mi promoción de Ingeniero y toda ésta semana tendrás que acompañarme pues es mi graduación”

El día de la entrega de títulos estuve rodeada de mis hijas, mi madre y una de mis hermanas que han sido las mayores perpetradoras que he tenido en mi vida, todas se emocionaron cuando antes de anunciar mi nombre, la maestra de ceremonias dijo: “Graduandos de Pie” al menos mi hermana ya sabía lo que seguía: La Negrita Fea se estaba graduando con honores de Ingeniero Geodesta y de Ingeniero Civil, era el primer índice en la promoción de Geodestas y además el Trabajo Final de Grado tenía Mención de Publicación.

Me faltaba lograr el propósito de doctorarme, para eso aproveché las oportunidades de trabajar en la UCV, hice una maestría en Administración de Proyectos de Ingeniería, en Docencia Universitaria y otra en Planificación Estratégica y por ser también la Gerente Nacional de Cartografía requería aumentar los conocimientos en el área gerencial por lo que opté por el Doctorado en Gerencia, además de que en paralelo cursaba estudios en Ingeniería Estructural.

Lo logré, soy Doctora… la única realmente Doctora en la familia

Sólo me queda darles las gracias por leerme, por permitirme estar aquí con ustedes ¿Cómo llegué aquí? Por recomendación de mi hija Sandra que a su vez ha recibido invitaciones y al revisar la página pensó que a mi me gustaría, pues escribir al menos un libro es unos de mis sueños y atendiendo a eso ella me sugirió comenzar aquí, es asidua lectora y dice que con las historias que ustedes publican puedo darme cuenta de que mi vida está llena de material suficiente para escribir una enciclopedia y, siguiendo su consejo admito que me he sorprendido de la variedad de experiencias que he encontrado aquí, unas narran éxitos y victorias, otras decepciones y tristezas pero todas son buenas y algunas muy cálidas… Me gustan y de todo corazón espero poder seguir disfrutando de sus lecturas y que ustedes disfruten las mías en las que trataré diversos aspectos, no les he dicho que me gusta cocinar, cuidar mis plantas, la espiritualidad (no la brujería) y por supuesto la docencia y amo ingeniería aunque no he perdido de vista la actualización en enfermería porque uno no sabe cuando le toca echar mano de todo lo que ha aprendido, por algo Dios nos lo presenta

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @gertu13
Avatar for EneidaPerez
3 years ago
Topics: Life


Welcome to the platform. I am also Venezuelan and a doctor. Here you will find many communities where you can publish your articles, as many as you want. Always complying with the rules. Any questions do not hesitate to find me and ask, I will be at your service. Welcome back.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, I am new around here and I am not very familiar with the network, I will go to @wakeupkitty to read and I will surely give you my opinion. Thanks for reading me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your welcome. An interesting story is worth to be read. It is what @wakeupkitty has told me before.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is worth reading indeed and following. Thanks for the mentioning. 💖

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No problem at all.

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3 years ago

En tu foto no te vez fea. Jeje

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What do you think @wakeupkitty? I like this introduction. I think you will enjoy reading this too. and so will @gertu13 and @marblely.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello wakeupkitty As promised is debt, I looked for your presentation and read it. It is incredible how many people, like me, have had difficulties in their relationship with their mother. I like the sincerity with which you approach the passages of your life, there are similarities between your family history and mine, only that I did not address in depth the issues related to the lives of my parents and my grandparents, I left that for some other publication They are also very interesting and show what life is like for human beings "on foot" those of us who are not super stars or socially influential. I think, and this is not a criticism, that you lack flexibility and a little more affection for yourself, despite having suffered and lived in scarcity, indulging yourself is not bad. If you accept my advice, look for a CRP (Circle of Personal Achievement) training, I don't know if it is available in your country, what I do know is that until I did it I also lived counting and taking care of every penny I produced, I take care of or rather I value them more and I know that if I work and earn them it is because I deserve to have something rewarding with them and I spend them without fear of being left with nothing because I know that God's Love is the greatest sustenance. It is a pleasure to have found you and receive a warm hug from Venezuela

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for reading me and welcome to read.cash. I wish you good luck. P.s. I am not sure what you read. "A kid's diary" or?


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for reading me and welcome to read.cash. I wish you good luck. P.s. I am not sure what you read. "A kid's diary" or?

I am sorry I did not answer the question before what do I read? Children's diary? It may be, if I have to do it, I do it, it happens that I am a teacher and researcher at the School of Industrial Engineering of the UCV, part of my job is to advise my students in their work or degree thesis, that work requires me to read and constant documentary research, now if it is what I read for pleasure, it is everything related to Strategic Planning, Astronomy, Great Engineering Works, Science, Technology and since my first career is Nursing (I have not practiced it for 25 years). I keep updated about it. From time to time if I want peace of mind, I read a novel or narrative work. Thanks for your interest. Kind regards

$ 0.00
3 years ago