Who Then is a Chorister?

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2 years ago

We can’t just be thinking that pastors are the only ministers of God. Choristers are also ministers. As pastors are ordained by God for His service, the same way a chorister is ordained from the day he or she chooses to be a choir member. Choristers are sanctified ministers of God who serve the purpose of leading the congregation to the realm where they can give God heartfelt praise and worship. Choristers functions in the house of God to preach His word through music. They make use of their divine endowment for God - the use of their sweet and melodious voices to sing for God.

The Ministry of the Chorister:

Only a few ministries of the church require devotion and dedication like that of singing. The person that leads the singing and the ones that back up are all precious gifts to the local church. Choristers are as important to the church as the church services themselves. I am not saying this to make you proud, but to put a little fear and awe in you, for you to know your responsibilities. Never take church singing to be a hobby; it is not what you have to do for personal fulfillment. It is a duty to all those whom God has given musical talents. It is a sin for you not to sing when God has given you the gift of singing.

Angels were created to serve and to sing as seen in the introduction and you as a chorister have been given the good voice for the same purpose. Choristers should note that they are to listen to themselves while singing to have a good blend. The tenor singers for example should listen to themselves first, and then, listen to the other parts (soprano and Alto). The reason for this is to make their ministrations blend.

The ministry of the choristers is not something that one should jeopardize or even joke with. It is an important ministry that must be treated with carefulness and respect. It is a ministry that has its continuance in heaven. Are you truly a chorister? If yes, then, get ready to join the host of Angelic choir to sing for God when you cross to the yonder side. You must guard against whatever will mar you this great privilege and then, try to live by all that is written in the subsequent chapter. A chorister lives by what is written in chapter 3 of this book.

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2 years ago
