Monday, oh Monday ...

It's a hectic start of the week for me, yet, it's been a while since I felt so accomplished and productive.

I applied for another 2 year-effective valid government ID a few weeks ago, and I visited today for the biometrics, and other stuff.. As usual, I'll come back again after more than a week. While the queue was still long, I took the spare time to have my ID picture taken (pictures of which are also requirements for my application). I also photocopied some documents just in case, as I still have more time.

Long story short, after that , I then traveled to my college uni to pay for the TOR I also applied for previously. Of course, I'll come back again when it's available! Lol, it's never easy to get documents here in the Philippines haha!

Anyway, I had a busy day, and I am ending it with spending time with the Lord. Devotion before sleep, it is!

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@Ellehcim posted 9 months ago


Napakadaming pagdadaanan bago mo makuha ang isang document dito sa Pilipinas. Yung sa National ID nga lampas 1 year na hindi ko pa nakukuha hehe.

$ 0.00
9 months ago

I wonder when it happen that we only need one identification to validate all or requirements because completing requirements are hassle.

$ 0.00
9 months ago

I've been really wanting to get some government IDs since I'm already 20 'cause I thought that's a must haha. However, I still don't need it for now that's why I couldn't really get one.

$ 0.00
9 months ago