I Can't Thank Him Enough (Pt. 3)

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3 years ago

Hello there! I feel that I have to apologize for taking it long before I post this.

So this is the third, and probably the last installment of my testimony series. If you are new here, I have shared my year 2019: about how God helped me overcome my biggest trials.

Don't worry, I will save you the effort of looking for the preceding parts. Here they are:

As I was able to tackle those tough times already, let me focus now on how God worked His plans for me, for all of us.

  • The Greatest Provider

Studying came with a lot of expenses. Thankfully, as a PUPian (how we call the students of PUP), we didn't really have tuition fees as a big problem. We are considered 'Iskolar ng Bayan' (Scholars of the Nation) which means we only have Php 12.00 (approximately $0.24 only) per unit on all our subjects.

And through God's grace, the tuition fees eventually perished when I reached 4th year college. I am so thankful for that.

What comprised majority of our expenses, are books. Lots and lots of books. Thick books, big and small.

In my last semester, I really planned on not buying all the books, just those that I really have to buy, to cut expenses. I managed to make ends meet through borrowing from my classmates and roommates. God is so kind to me.

I have said before that my sister and my father are the bread winners of the family. However, my older sister was left alone with the responsibility when father got hospitalized.

Rent expenses, hospitalization expenditures, dorm essentials, my younger brothers' educational financial needs, not to mention the daily needs, and utilities—everything is on my older sister only.

One could have thought it's impossible to get by without being in debt. But let me tell you, we were able to come through just fine. Yes, we are always tight in budget, we had to sacrifice many things, but we never resorted to debts.

God really provides. If I haven't told this before, I have a professor that sponsors five students in our class. Those five are the ones with the highest grades. I am one of them. Thank God, I am one of them.

This kind professor or ours has given us a regular assistance every semester from second year to fourth year. Moreover, I was also able to get into a municipal financial assistance, where I also got regular money to handle.

The amount combined helped me to pay for my dorm expenses, especially the rental. Because of these financial assistance I availed, our main source of income is not affected so much anymore.

  • The Ultimate Healer

I have seen all the worst scenes in a hospital. That is why I personally do not like being in one. While taking care of my father occasionally, I have met a lot of other people struggling with the same battles. I witnessed death, I got an overview of a dangerous operation, and other more stressful things.

I have had many scenes where I had to control myself from crying whenever I saw my father struggling to breathe. Everytime he inhales, his abdomen part hurts so much. I had to be strong so he wouldn't give up.

I hope you won't experience hearing this from your own father: "I am getting tired of it. I think I want to give up already.." Because it broke my heart for a multiple times.

Many other patients that we know passed away. They have the same case as my father.

Nothing is really impossible with God. My dad has went into the operation two times, and one specific time when mom let me know that the doctor said, "My father's life is in danger."

Sincere prayers work wonders. Guess what? My father has recovered quickly and is now better than ever. Praise God, the ultimate healer.

  • The Miracle Worker

Of course I wouldn't forget about this. Father stayed for more than two months in the hospital. We could just hold our breaths knowing we have to pay for the overall hospital bill.

You know it. The most expensive bed isn't found in the grandest hotels out there—it is the hospital bed.

Unbelievably, we got out without paying a single penny. Until now, I still can't get it out of my head. How amazing it is that God made this possible.

Even if it's a public hospital, the expenses are still material. Maybe my mom's health card did just cover everything, I am not exactly sure. I mean, what about the operations and regular tests? Or occasional blood transfusions? Or the overall accommodation?

It is indeed mind-blowing. But God works like that. He works in a way no man could ever think of.

  • My Graduation Day

And this, brothers and sisters, is about my personal victory.

I couldn't get a proper sleep the night before, because what I only see in my dreams is finally happening. I am finally finishing college tomorrow. It feels surreal.

Mother bought me a simple dress, the first one I have, because I am not into dresses.

My proud parents wore nice clothes for the first time in a while. Even they did not say it, I know they are very happy and proud of me. It's evident in their eyes.

We had a really simple celebration. After the graduation ceremony, we had a hearty meal in a near fastfood restaurant. We took many pictures—Mom took a lot of mine, because we both know I don't use make up. I had my hair treated at a salon three days before, and mom was my personal stylist. I wish I could show you photos of it, but most are lost along with my phone that was stolen. How unfortunate.

I was so excited about it, but, as you can see, that is just how we celebrated. The highlight is me finally graduating anyway. That, alone, is euphoric enough.

Until now, I still fight many battles even I am a working woman already. Our family still struggles financially, and experiences bad days, but we overcome.

Another day comes, and we wake up again. Another flower of hope blooms amidst all storms, and that is because we have God, the one who've never forsaken us. Among all promises, only He was able to stick to it.

We have discovered who are fake friends, met new and real ones, we learned a lot, and we appreciated our lives more.

God lets us experience trials, not because He does not love us. He lets us undergo hard tests, to remind us that we need Him. We can't do everything on our own, we need God.

For man without God is nothing, and God without man, is still God.

For all He has done for me, a simple gratitude ain't enought. No words can describe how grateful I am for His boundless love. For everything, I can't thank Him enough.

Hello there! Did you enjoy the last part? I hope your faith is strengthened through my story. Don't hesitate to tell me your stories, too! Let's all talk about God's goodness.

Surprise! Amazing articles fresh from the read.cash' best reads shelf by me! Check out these works, and enjoy!

Until next time, brothers and sisters im Christ!

  • Lead Image Source: Praise and Worship

  • Other images source are embedded in the pictures themselves. :)

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3 years ago


True words😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Can i just start slow clapping? I have nothing more to say. I'm so touched. Virtual hugs to you!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks a lot! I hear you clapping from the screen! Hahaha..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I enjoyed this one too. God is always there listening to us. He does not tell us what to do. He gives us choice and we have free will. He won't judge us by what we have done. We will face the consequenses.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. God is really good. His love is real and uncomparable. Amen to that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago