The strongest and the most successful long- term relationship is the one built on friendship..A relationship motivated by need destroys friendship because its essentially self-centered.
The problem we have in our world today is that we don't understand how to build and maintain a healthy friendship. We don't know how to make friends or how to be a friend.
What is friendship?
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people..
Now to the big question how do I build friendship?
Before I continue I would like to ask a question , be sincere as possible. Have you ever being in a situation where you wanted meeting someone but didn't know what to say?
Yeah..I have personally experienced it many times and I know most people do have that experience. Few of us are taught while growing up how to talk to new people. On the contrary , we are cautioned not to talk to strangers.. Its easy to forget that every of our friend was once a stranger.
The key to correcting this deficiency is to learn how to focus on the other person rather than ourselves. Getting our attention off ourselves can help us develop a greater degree of self-confidence as well as help us learn how to listen more carefully to what others have to say..Focusing on the other person is one of the principle of friendship..Never talk about yourself, wait for the other person to ask. Instead , get the other person talking about himself or herself. Ask questions and listen attentively to their answers..Most people respond favorably when they know that someone is interested in them..
Dale Carnegie in his book titled How to win friends and influence people.,His first law was that we should never talk about ourselves but get others to talk about themselves.. There is a simple reason for this: by nature every human being is interested in himself and herself first and would feel comfortable talking about themselves..
Another way of building friendship is by asking questions that focus on the other person interest..These questions can be grouped into four basic areas; Family, education, interest and spiritual things.. This is a good way to help them feel comfortable and to gain their trust..
In my next post I will be writing on the different levels of friendship..
Meanwhile I hope you got value from these?
We must do well to keep our relationship strong