How to write in English if is not your first language

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1 year ago

Why would you want to write in English?

Writing in English when this isn´t your first language can have several benefices, but I would like to share two of them here.
1. It helps you to improve your English. By writing in English I have learned so many new words that I didn´t know before and it´s been a great preparation for my English certificate exam, which have a writing part
2. It allows you to communicate your ideas to a higher number of people. English is the language for international communication. I have been on so many platforms learning new things and meeting new people thanks to my ability to speak and understand this language. So, when it comes to writing, I know that my thoughts have more probability of being read if a write in English instead of my first language.

Before writing

So, before starting to write in English I have some recommendations that truly can help you in your journey.

Read a lot

Sometimes we learn English through series and podcasts, and that´s great. But for acquiring writing skills is not enough. You can´t automatically transform the oral speech in written speech, because it has a completely different structure. For that reason I recommend you to be a great reader before being a writer. Also, try to read texts that are similar to those you intend to write. For instance, if you want to blog, search for English blogs on topics you´re interested in and read them.

Make first an outline of what your going to write

Don´t start to write if you don't have a plan. Write down the point you want to bring up in your text and organize them. This is going to help you to maintain a coherent speech and don't lose your readers.

While you're writing

There are two ways to write in English if is not your first language.

Option no. 1 Write in your language and then translate

This is not truly writing in English but is a technique that can help when you are too tired to think in your second language. However, you need to remember that every language is different, so when you translate it's important not to do it literally, but using every word according to its textual context.

Option no. 2 Write directly in English

So for writing directly in English I have two recommendations. First, you need to do it at a time of the day when you are concentrate and have energy. Like everything that takes mental effort, writing in a foreign language demands you're better energy because you not only have to organize your ideas and come up with something logical and coherent but also need to express them in words that you're less comfortable with.

After writing

Once you're finished make sure you correct your grammar and spelling. For that, you can use a physical grammar and a dictionary. Also, you can take advantage of the electronic tools we have nowadays. For example, I always use Grammarly for correcting my English texts. If you want me to talk more about this specific tool let me know in the comments.

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