I don't know if there are still people here but if you get to read this post, I would love to hear your opinion on this one.

So I still have 1,400 dollars worth of cryptos and if I'm going to sell them now, it would be enough to cover the cost of my trips going to other European countries that I'd love to visit.

If you were me, would you sell all your cryptos now and fulfill some of your dreams of traveling around Europe or would you keep holding them until it recovers a little bit more?

I'm holding DOT, GRT, and GALA and they actually fucked up my portfolio big time. 😂

$ 0.56
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@Eirolfeam2 posted 1 month ago


If you can stay in Europe for like a month or 2 without draining your crypto portfolio then better to wait for market to recover before getting everything out.

$ 0.00
1 month ago

Go for your dreams, it doesn't matter if the market is good or bad, in the end it depends on you, and every second you delay the decision is 1 less second in which you are not going to fulfill your dreams.

So I vote YES, do it.

$ 0.00
1 month ago