What Goes Around, Comes Around

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2 years ago


I had an awesome experience at a friend's house last night where we played a game called Catch Phrase. It is a game where you have to describe different words to your friends while they try their best to guess what you are describing. I had been invited to play this game after my friend's husband attended one of my comedy shows.

What was so great about this experience was that by the end of the night, I had seen so many sides of my friend. She is usually pretty shy, but when it came to playing this game she was more outgoing than I have ever seen her before. I found myself laughing so hard, and I also learned a lot about her without even talking.

Some would argue that the Internet is a place where commerce is led by the loudest, most obnoxious voices. While I have no stats to support this claim, it certainly feels that way sometimes. The web is filled with people who love to stir the pot and create controversy, the kind that you need a microscope to find the good in. To me, the web is more than just a place to make money. It's a place where people can share themselves, their passions, and their views on life. There are many voices out there that aren’t being heard. With every new day, I see thousands of people creating content and being listened to by little more than their two hands. The Internet has given us a platform to share our lives - warts and all - with the world.

I got a friend who is just about to turn 50. She was smoking, in a relationship that was going nowhere, unhappy at her job and not quite sure what to do next.

Over the course of the last year, I slowly shifted her perspective. We started with a gratitude journal and eventually moved on to challenging each other to be better.

In the past 6 months, she has ended her relationship, quit her job and started a new one in another city, moved into a new home and has completely changed her outlook on life. She is no longer dependent on anyone else for the validation of how she feels and is so in love with life she is talking about opening her own business.

I am happy to say she is my first successful case study.

Today is a good day friends. Remember a while ago that I promised to have an EhmDee update for you well here it is!

I started EhmDee about 7-8 months ago and back then I thought that the problems I was trying to solve would be fairly straight forward. They were. I just didn't realize how much work getting the product I wanted to make into peoples hands would take. Going around in a circle has never been so much fun. You think you know where it’s going, but you won’t know until you get there. It’s a feeling we can all relate to sometimes. But how can we turn these moments into something good? How can we keep the things we love from coming full circle? We don’t want to wait for them to come around again. We want them now. Like right now.

So, we made it happen. Introducing EhmDee, the one-size-fits-all solution to your needs right here, right now.

- When you change your mind

- When you need to say it loud

- When you need a gift that says it all

- Because going around in a circle has never been so much fun. An app that makes your life better today.

What goes around, comes

This is the full version of the saying that goes "what goes around comes around." It doesn't really get any simpler than that. The best part about this saying is that it can go for just about everything. It's not just something that is applicable to life, but there is a lot about it that can be applied to business as well. The saying can be applied in many situations, like in the line of supply and demand. This is where companies will bring their goods to their market and vice versa. If the supply is low, then the demand will be too, but there can also be a lot of supply with no demand for it. This is a problem for a company because the goods or service would be sitting around with no one wanting to buy it. This could hurt the company because they might not make a profit off of it and what goes around comes around again because if they can't make a profit off of it, then they may have to close shop.

$ 10.22
$ 10.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @HerBAE
$ 0.03 from @Fexonice1
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Written by
2 years ago
