Hoping For The Best but Expecting The worse.

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2 years ago

Sometimes in life, we often hope for the best to come our way. But more often than never, the worse seems to surface.

Why do we give up on what we're doing when the best never seem to emerge? Why give up on the good dreams in a space of time? Why can't we recover from little failure? That's because we are always hoping for the bast and not prepared for the worse.

I’m the type of person who has always hoped for the best, but expects the worse. I believe when you are equipped with knowledge and you are aware of what’s going on then you can as well equip yourself to make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones. So much negativity still exists in today’s world. People are quick to shoot down your dreams or say “no” before you have fully expressed your thoughts and they seems to have so many reasons why it shouldn’t happen. Instead of looking at the bad, why not look at the good? Look at your opportunity if you work hard enough to give yourself a chance. That positive energy will carry you through until you get to where you want to be.

I thrive on that positive energy, that feeling of possibility and it is definitely contagious. The more positive energy I put out into the universe, the more I get back.

It's funny how we want everything to be perfect, when in reality that's not how life is. And it's ok. That's why I'm glad I'm always trying to be aware of my thoughts and I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worse. In order to achieve my goals, I am not trying to get everything right from the start but at least get somewhere and then re-evaluate and make a plan to get better, even if it has to be some baby steps.

Concentrating on the good things- It's not always easy but I'm trying to put the bad things behind me and only think about the good things. Because there are many! And this makes me happy and a lot lighter. Not dwelling on what might go wrong is one of my tasks for getting better every day. I need to do something. We need to move forward with love in our hearts and kindness in our actions.

Have you ever missed an important event? A concert or a very important meeting? It's like the worst feeling in the world! Especially if someone you really care about is involved. People make mistakes, the city is crowded, security checks are slow and the subway may be on strike. There is a possibility that you may be stuck at the office finishing your presentation instead of being at the concert with your loved one. It can happen to anyone at anytime.

What if I told you there is a way to make sure that you will never miss another important event in your life? What if there is something that can make sure you will always be on time for everything important to you? How about a way to get rid of that feeling of despair for ever!

When some fails, they blame the agricultural sector for taking away a huge chunk of their profits, and many others are realizing that the lavish lifestyle isn't what it's cut out to be. A recent article revealed that some social media influencers are now getting paid less than $100 per post.All these changes are coming at a time when companies are trying to figure out new ways to stay relevant and increase their profits, which can understandably lead to some frustration on their part. But it's just an industry that's in transition, and if there's anything we've learned from history, it's that nothing stays the same forever.

We're all hoping that the worst is over, and that some new changes will come along to make things better.The other day I was having dinner with my family and we ordered the usual, fried rice, fish fillet and steamed vegetable. A few minutes after the food arrived, the restaurant had a blackout. We weren't sure what to do and the air was awkward as we sat there in silence.

Hope for the best,

Expect the worse.

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Written by
2 years ago


That is right, one must always expect the worst unexpected especially to avoid disappointment or get prepared for it.

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2 years ago