It's going to be a good ride, come on all.

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Avatar for Ecstasy
2 years ago
Topics: The Me

It's an amazing day today and no doubt weekends are always great, no matter what season it comes with.

I woke up to this good feeling today after I discovered this platform where I could pour out my heart and get rewarded for it. With me, I promise it's going to be so much fun just as my bio has indicated. With me, it's good vibes, fun, or nothing at all.

Proper introduction.

My name is Mike keaton, a pharmacy student at the great Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The journey through pharmacy school has been a rough one right from level one but as the saying goes "it is not worth it, until it is worth it". I've decided that no matter what I'll give it what it takes to reach that sky I've been aiming for, whatever it takes. I'm a UFC lover, must I remind you I so much love cats too.

Here on this platform, I'll bring to you a lot of fun stories, we'll discuss mind boggling facts and so much more. And that's not all I'll make sure that my channel here breeds positivity, really much among the members of this great platform.

A little piece to make your day today.

You are probably familiar with what is known as the Serenity Prayer. It goes like this: God, grant me the serenity to accept things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can change, and the wisdom to tell the difference.

There is an important lesson in this that is very often glossed over ... When a chaotic reality swirls around us, we often try to alleviate our anxiety by exercising our will on external things that we cannot control. It helps us ward off one of the most dreaded feelings: total powerlessness.

With that in mind, I have good news and bad news, the bad news is that, in general, almost everything is out of your control. What others do, whether it will rain tomorrow, whether or not your efforts will be appreciated - all of these results depend on factors you don't have. That's the good news too.

The friction and frustration that comes from trying to change things that you can't change is the melting pot where a lot of unhappiness is born. Accepting that most things are beyond your control gives you explicit permission to let them unfold as you wish. The stoic philosopher Epictetus put it this way: some things are under our control and some are not.

Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and in a word, whatever our own actions are. Things that are out of our control are body, property, reputation, command and, in a word, everything that is not our actions. Overcoming the Three Big Us that so many of us struggle with on a daily basis Unhappiness, unconvinced things will ever change, unsure of what to do next starts with understanding what you can and cannot control. The mental shift here is not easy. Most of us have had a lifetime of worrying about things that we cannot control.

Society encourages this in practice. For most, it's an honest habit ... a habit that should be replaced with a healthy understanding of how much we can actually change. But again, it's hard to deal with all of this when you're constantly listening ... Why don't you just get over it? Just let it go. We have all heard of this advice before. And it passes the sniff test to a certain extent. I mean time heals all wounds, doesn't it? Well, yes ... kind of. However, wounds heal differently depending on how they're treated. At rest, a wound leaves a large scar in the skin and is prone to injury again probably in the nearest future.

Because of this, we get sutures that aid wound healing in a way that reduces the likelihood of re-injury. Emotional wounds work the same way. With enough time, most emotional pain will subside. These scars grow and accumulate until one day you wake up and suffer from one or more of the three us (misfortune, unconvinced things will ever change, unsure of what to do next). Don't get over it. Go through it.

In all honesty, I understand the desire to overcome difficult experiences instead of facing them. It's really, really hard to repeat painful memories and face our demons. And were hard-wired so as not to cause ourselves pain. However, as our parents taught us, ignoring a problem does not make it go away as well as physically.

Unresolved problems from the past settle in your head and influence your decisions, relationships, and attitudes. They rob you of your happiness. Doing the difficult now will be difficult, yes. But it's far better than the alternative. Of course, doing the hard but necessary things can feel impossible.

Final thoughts

My dear ones if you're going through a hard time just know you're not alone and it doesn't last for long.

Have a lovely weekend and a great day ahead.

If you're intrigued by my write up please appreciate it by sharing your opinions below and also subscribe. Thank you.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @QueenRaay
Avatar for Ecstasy
2 years ago
Topics: The Me


Welcome on board bro. You have a good bio, the kinda bio that will attract fine fine girls. Hahahah. Your conclusion said it all, no tough situation last long. It'll surely end one day. Giving up is never an option

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks bruh. What a nice way to welcome me here. I appreciate it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago