My advice to teenagers nowadays

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Written by
3 years ago

Teenage life is very important for everyone. At this stage of our life, we get to realize so many things that we often have lesser knowledge when we are still young.

I wanted to start with a little background about my teenage life. I am 25 years old know, a young professional, a corporate slave, dealing with backaches and I have no social life. I guess you quite relate. My teenage years are not as good as some other kids but don't get me wrong, my parent raised me well and they managed to send me to school to have a proper education.

I am not happy with my teenage years. I grew up in a poor family yet contented with what we have. When my dad lost his job, that was the start of my struggle as a teenager. My little brother just came out of the world at that time and we don't have enough fund to buy him milk so we have to feed him with rice water also known as am. I am very upset but I don't have the choice cause I'm still young and companies don't allow you to work here unless you're 16 ( w/ authorization from your parents )
I was 13 years old at that time and I already know that my parents are struggling to sustain our living. I always come to school with only 5 pesos ( $0.22 ) dollars in my pocket, sometimes none. It is not a problem unless your teacher asks you to pay for a copy of your test papers. Good thing I have friends who are always there to lend me some cash whenever I'm in need.

I told myself I have to finish even high school so I can help my family. Even though at the back of my mind, I still want to go to college as everyone does. Fortunately, our local government gave me a scholarship grant and I passed the initial exam for my chosen course. But they have one rule, you should not have any failing units. Which I failed to comply with. I am not really good at mathematics, I didn't know that information technology has one 2 units with math.

To cut the story short, I failed. I was not able to continue my college because of two reasons.
1. I have a failing unit. ( All of my subjects have high scores except for algebra )
2. We just found out that time that my mom has lung cancer stage 3 and at a very critical stage.

Drop out

I don't know what to feel at that time. I really want to pursue college but we still need to fund mom's medication. But then, I told myself that it is not yet the end of the world for me. So, I took this chance to apply for fast food crew or even convenience store crew. None of them accepted me and I end up being a washer in a small restaurant nearby. I also worked as an assistant in a market where I lift huge appliances and the manager keeps telling me that I can't make it even just for a day. So, I didn't go back. They humiliated me for a small amount of salary. That time, I am only earning $3 a day. That is too small but at least I can help my family with our daily expenses.

My self-esteem was really low at that time. I felt like trash, I am trying to stay positive but the fact that I can no longer continue my education really breaks my heart. I limited myself. My mind was like, " I will never be successful but I should never give up on my dreams. "

New Opportunity

Someone handed me a flyer, it is a school that offers short courses for multimedia arts. The fee is kinda cheap so I didn't hesitate to try. Before I went to that school, I already have little knowledge about graphic design but since companies want evidence that you really studied about this industry, I grabbed it just for the sake of having certification. To cut the story short, after I finished their 15 weeks of training, I already landed my first job on a corporate set-up.

who would've thought that this guy, who was once a dishwasher from a small restaurant is now a trainer and is conducting daily huddles? I manage to work with 100+ design associates, I trained them, I guided them until they know how to do our work on their own. and I was one of the strongest assets of our company.

My advice to teenagers nowadays.
Don't lose hope. Today might be your hardest battle but all of your hard work will be paid off in time. Don't take your education for granted. Make your parents proud. If destiny doesn't allow you to overcome that, I know there are something much better awaits for you.

knowledge is something that can never be taken away from you


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$ 0.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Hanzell
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Written by
3 years ago


A very inspiring story. You struggled at a young age, but it doesn't hinder you to achieve want you want. This a proof that if you want to succeed in life you hardwork and determination. I salute you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You really made a breakthrough with the opportunity 😊😊😊 my respect to you, really

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you @Hanzell appreciated much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's a awesome article.thanks for sharing this important article.i really like it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you @Arifa4824

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You were not once a dishwasher (a job nearly every one with us has or had) but a great student who even win a scholarship (not possible where I live). That makes a huge difference. If you ask me you did a lot and made it. At the age if 25 that is really early. I hope it's something you like because that's what is most important. 🍀💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is :) and I am so happy with my achievements so far. Even though most of my friends are asking if I would like to continue a bachelor's degree. @wakeupkitty

$ 0.00
3 years ago