I spent so many nights crying, hugging my pillow tight, convincing myself that everything will be all right but the responsibilities, played a huge role in my depression. I am pre-occupied with worries in life. The bills to pay, do we have enough food to eat, how can we survive? what's gonna happen tomorrow? all of this, in my head, every single night.
How do I deal with my depression during this challenging time? I listen to music,
I meditate a lot, I re-evaluate myself. I always tell myself that this is not the right time to quit. Whenever I felt like giving up, I think of all the things that I should be thankful for. Our home, my mom, my family, source of clean water, comfortable bed, internet connection and good health.
This pandemic has given me a lot of time and realizations. I start to value things that I'm taking for granted. I start to realize how short life is. I start to connect more with my family which I rarely do because I'm too busy with work. I am now able to try that recipes that I saw on youtube and I do the things that I really want.
The world will never be the same anymore but everything will be fine soon.
Well, things are slowly normalizing and i can see that people are starting to live with the situation. Eventually things will get easier and that you'll also get used to the situation soon. For now, you just enjoy your time with your family and do what you can at the moment