Why do lies have labels and the truth doesn't? (1)
Labels are being used to describe lies as if they are some sort of colors refracted through a prismatic pyramid: white lies, yellow lies, pink lies, Grey lies, green lies, blue lies and even black lies. I just came to read this on a Facebook post as I had no idea there were literally "50 shades of lies." I only knew of the white lie, well here's a life hack: you should get your kids some packets of lies for their coloring pages! Now wouldn't that be amazing?
The purpose of this post isn't to dissect the individual type of lies that we have, but to raise the question, why do lies need such labels? Don't you think that all lies are lies irrespective of their "pigmentation"? While we can all agree that not all lies are the same, at the end of the day, what are they? L-I-E-S. I am not saying that these labels aren't necessary, in fact, there are lies that we can tell to ourselves or other people to make us feel better, to make them feel better, or to get ourselves out of trouble without the risk of hurting anyone. They are called white lies and can be necessary at times, what I am trying to say, comparing it with the Truth, is that all type of lies are still inferior to the truth, no matter what the motive of telling them was.
The beautiful thing about the truth is that you don't have to add labels on it. It is unique and singular, not as "racist" as lies as it gives not a monkey's about color. It is sufficient in its essence and is there for all to see, as long as we are willing to embark on a quest for it. The truth looks you right in the eye and it's either you run away from and embrace lies, or look it right back in the eye and give it a warm hug, then you can step back and watch your life change for the better.
Of late though, I have seen groups of people take really bold steps towards giving truths labels too, but all I do is laugh at their foolishness and ignorance. They begin twisting emotions , truth and opinions in a mesh of entanglements and you start hearing things like, "I am living my personal truth", "I feel therefore I am", "that's how I have been all along ". Please, isn't the ignorance in these sentences glaringly obvious? First off, there's nothing "personal" about the Truth. Truth is universal, it is either it is or it isn't. As long as the truth doesn't live within the confines of your testicles, there's nothing personal about it. The truth applies to you, not you applying to it. What some people call "personal truth" in reality means "personal opinion", so just because you've got an opinion, you mean you're in the right? Gosh! How arrogant! Do you realize that if this really becomes a thing in this politically correct society of ours, we would b creating divisions for the truth? Then you'd here sentences like "what you are talking about is universal truth, I am referring to my personal truth" haha how funny and sad would that be?
Let's take a break here guys, I will be continuing this in my next article, God willing.
Thanks for reading.
Yours Layly,
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Who vexed my Doctor like this eh?