Weight Gain
Tuesday. February 22, 2022
Hello beautiful people! How is it going? It's going well for me although the sun is really out to get us lol. The weather is so hot, it could turn someone to a barbecue. Apart from that, my boss called I and my colleague last night just to say thank you for doing a good job on a project, it was overwhelming. We really did a lot of work on that project and it is so nice to know that our efforts are appreciated. For that reason I'm happy but one reason I'm not so happy is that Rusty had neglected my last post. I'm worried because I know that once Rusty doesn't tip one post, it might go on to stop tipping for a while. I hope that doesn't happen to me.
Yesterday, I read an article about how to lose weight. I hope I find the article so I can post the link here and tag the author. That article raised a lot of good points that if followed religiously, will definitely help one on their weight loss journey but it also reminds me of how there is much talk about weight loss and little about weight gain.
I belong to the group of people who have once in their lives tried to look up different ways to gain weight but mostly finding ways to lose them instead. Funny thing is that when you eventually find one that talks about weight gain, it is usually similar to the instructions for weight loss. On seeing those familiar advices, I used to get pissed and feel like I was being lied to (we all know the Internet isn't the most trustworthy place lol) but with time, I got to realise that they were not wrong.
Most times when people seek to lose or gain some weight, they usually go about it the wrong or unhealthy way. Last year, I was talking to a friend about gaining some weight and someone who was listening in advices me to eat a lot of fried and barbecued meat all day, late at night and also take a lot of soda and sweet drinks. It didn't sound right and that is because it is not right. While these will actually make you gain some weight, you would only be gaining unhealthy weight. Your body will be filled with carbs and fat and it will be lacking other necessary nutrients that your body needs to keep you going.
Even if you don't eat a lot but you're consuming a lot of carbs you may still gain unhealthy weight and not lose weight if you want to. While carbs are still necessary for your body, it's intake should be balanced out with other food classes. There are required daily intakes that is generally suggested which you can look up online but you can visit a doctor or dietitian to have one specifically curated for you.
In the bid to gain some weight, here are some of the things I know that works:
Take in more calories than you lose
If you are someone who struggles to gain weight there is a chance that you either do not eat a lot of food or your body burns calories faster than others or even both. I come from a family of slim people who burn calories fast no matter how much they eat and it doesn't help that I don't eat as much as other people. I get bored and tired of eating for a while but I know that I have to eat so what I started doing was to monitor my intake. I made sure I ate an appropriate adult-sized meal, I ate more often than I usually did and stopped skipping breakfast. Skipping breakfast was very easy for me to do because I occupied myself with other things rather than eating but the bother had literally been fasting for about 10 hours or more (since the previous dinner), and for this reason, we have to eat properly in the morning.
Drink Water
One thing I really didn't like more than eating was drinking water. I didn't feel thirsty a lot and when I did, I pushed my body to its limit. You have to understand, water is not sweet lol. It is just tasteless and unexciting but my sister called me out on my bad habit so I decided to "drink responsibily" for a week, probably to prove that taking enough water didn't do anything but I was so wrong. I received different comments about my skin being clearer and smoother. My usually dry lips were full and plump, I felt lighter and better in every way.
From what I've come to know, drinking enough water clears unnecessary toxins from the body and also aids digestion. It lets the engine in the body work properly and keep you in the right shape.
Eat balanced diet
Eating right is usually the key to a lot of bodily problems. It is actually the elixir to having a long and healthy life. Eating the right combination of foods will help your body work and grow properly. It keeps the good things and let's go of the bad.
Exercise Properly
It's not enough to exercise if we are not doing it right. Some of us barely do any exercise while some of us do way too much. Don't put your body through more than it can handle. Exercise is good for our body. It keeps us in shape, keeps our hearts going and let's us stay fit. Even if you're slim, you may be unfit and if you already exercise, know your exercising goal. Know if you just want to stay fit, if you're trying to gain or maintain a certain body type and work towards that. Don't do more that your body can handle. Exercising also helps with muscle gain for those who wants to add muscles rather than fat.
The informative article about weight loss was written by @McJulez and you can find it here Losing weight and other things
Let me know other tips you may have in the comments! Thanks for reading!
I'd be lying if I say I don't wanna add flesh to my slim nature🤦. Let me follow these principles and see if it's magical. But I think I've been on them already. I have been drinking water like there's no tomorrow...cold water though because I have access to it.
Exercise: I know this is good but I think the daily stress will cover up for this. Lol
Also, someone recommended regular intake of hollandia youghurt.
Above all, the best thing that brings weight is peace of mind and money 🤣