I Learnt My Lesson

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Written by
2 years ago

Good day everyone!! How are you doing so far? In life I have been through some things and they thought me some valuable lessons. These are my opinions, you don't have to agree with them ok. I'll be happy to hear your thoughts in the comments. So, I'll be sharing my lessons with you all.

  • 1. THE WORLD WON'T BE NICE TO YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NICE TO EVERYONE - I wish I knew this when I was younger I tried to be nice to everybody and I just expected positive karma will always happen I expected that people will always be nice to me because I was nice to them. I have been bullied by senior students while in junior secondary school and then I realised that the world is not entirely a nice place, that bad things could still happen to good people, but I'm glad it did not stop me from trying to be nice. There were times when I wished I could just change and stopped being who I was but that would just be out of character for me but the sooner I realise that the world was not a nice place it's Help Me Understand the attributes of being nice it is not in order to expect niceness in return you do it because it is the right thing to do and I think that's good enough.

  • 2. SOMEONE DEFINITELY LOVES YOU - You don't have to always doubt people's intentions. That's just the truth, no matter your personality there is always someone who admires you for whom you are, for how you behave, for how you talk etc. They probably see some of themselves in you or what they hope to be, and they admire you for that. So no matter what, there will always be someone who loves you the way you are, someone who wants to be just like you. There are some people who do not even understand why they love you, but they just do. They probably met you on a good day, during a good moments, had a good interaction with you etc. Not everyone is good at expressing how they feel about someone, but deep in their heart they do care about you. I know I have people I care about but I'm not very vocal about it and that is probably something I need to change, but that just goes to show you that there are other people out there who just like you for whom you are. So when someone wants to do something nice for you you don't always have to second-guess while they're doing what they're doing.

  • 3. IF YOU TELL PEOPLE, THEY'LL START BELIEVING IT - Your words can create an impression on people in ways you don't even expect or realise. Saying positive things about yourself repeatedly may condition people's minds to see you that way. It may not happen immediately, but once they notice the possibility of it being true, they're more willing to accept than question it. I had a friend in school who always regarded himself as smart, whenever he said anything that seemed remotely good, we attributed it to his smartness, but those things were not exceptionally good, anybody could have come up with them, but because we were ready to see him in a particular light, we always looked to see the smart things from him. When we graduated, he was not even one of the best students, he was average at best but still we regard him as smart because that is the impression he left on us. So when you are given a job to do, even if you second-guess yourself, it is something we should work on by yourself or with people who can actually help, but when you're working with your superiors, I think it is best to highlight the things you can actually do effectively. Negative things then to stick a lot easier, so highlight the positive things about yourself.

  • 4. IT'S OK TO JUST SAY NO - Whether it's to your boss or your colleagues, you have to be able to say no when you are not able to do something. Sometimes, people are afraid to say no because they don't want to be assumed as difficult to work with or not being a team player, but the truth is that you sometimes have to put yourself first. If you are unable to do something you have to be able to speak up rather than doing a bad job or resenting the person who asked you to do them. The truth is that you cannot please everyone, even by saying yes you may be offending someone. So, you will have to try to do what's good and what's right, but that does not mean that you should always say no even when you can help. Do your best and when you feel you can no longer do work effectively then you can say no with good reasons.

I hope you're able to pick something meaningful from my post. Don't forget to comment, upvote and subscribe!!!

@BCH_LOVER I pray you get well soon

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Written by
2 years ago


I actually thought no one loves me at some certain point in my life, even though I had no intimate relationship I know my friends are there and my family also

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, sometimes it feels that way and we feel like we're alone or doubt how significant our presence may be in people's lives, but there will always be people who love you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with all the points you listed as they are all true!!! Thanks for sharing these tips with us... You're awesome!!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much, you're great too!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Saying No is Okay, this is what I always remind to myself. Saying no doesn't mean that I am selfish but it only means that I have to prioritize myself too...Thanks my friend for the concern, right now, i am feeling better already. Keep safe and healthy always

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you, I'm glad you're feeling better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes, even when you are already being nice there are still those who are angry with you even when you're doing nothing to them. Well, that's life and it's no longer your loss, it's theirs already.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that's very accurate. You can't please everyone, some people will still be angry no matter what

$ 0.00
2 years ago