Its with the time that you start growing old. Your intellect develops, your thought process changes and now is the time when you can actually judge yourself from some years back and that version floats before your eyes as a very different personality than you are now in most of the cases.
Many incidents highlight this stage of maturity. In my case, when I went to college and made new friends, one day we trolled each other with our Facebook updates from years back and then all of the silliness was before my eyes. That was a hilarious moment of realization when I couldn't agree with my own mind about how I used to be. Anyways, trolling like this always brings back handful of memories of good old days.
As we grow, we realize the world around us. The picture is big suddenly, we are running towards our goals now, pursuing some course mostly or supporting families in totally different ways then we used to earlier like earlier our mom used to ask us to fetch some pre listed goods from market but now we are the one helping her decide what to buy, what are we running short on. Earlier she used to take care of us and we being pain in the ass always but now caring for her in later days of her life when she is not strong enough but is humble and gentle as always and we realize the fact that efforts are now to be made from our side too to support family in all the ways.
Small changes in daily life themselves tell us how our roles are changing, and with advancing years of life how our responsibilities getting multiplied. Children around have started calling us big brother now or if in early thirties then the really grown up salutation i.e. uncle. We now are role model for many of youngsters in family and neighborhood if we are doing pretty good and at the same time if things are not working out then people start calling names and family sometimes also kicks butt though from family's side its positive reinforcement. Success now not only means getting good grades but proving your worth in society, in your family and for the good of your country and of course it really matters if you are raising money.
Gone are the days when father used to drop us school, its time when we drop or pick him whether it be office or some place. Routine hospital visits are there but this time you aren't sitting on your father's shoulder or mother's lap but you are representing a guardian to your parents or younger ones of the family. These of course are the days when you prefer tea over anything after a crunching day.
We most probably have attended some funerals of the major family members, have seen our elders retiring from their services, our friends are getting married and its the time when our word really matters. If we say something, we tend to do it because people rely on very majorly on our commitments now and its not just some 10 year old's word to get his homework done and then getting scolded the very next day in school in front of his friends and giggling after being scolded for no reason but cheer from other little buds.
Its the time when we need to understand what we mean to people around us now, what our perspective of life is, what is the reason we are here, what our goals are, what we actually wanna pursue and most importantly, efficiently planning our success so that we actually do all mentioned above. Its only when we are worth something that we become the backbone of our family, if we are hardworking, if we realize our responsibilities towards those who never held back in providing for us. This realization should fuel us up to succeed on planned time so as to provide for our providers and it always will add up to our motivation for achieving.
Its been a good number of times me hearing the phrase :- "don't only live for yourselves but for others too" and now with the advancing years all of it makes sense to me and I realize how we are meant to give back more than we have consumed this far so as to strike an equilibrium for the smooth functioning of our lives as well as those who rely on us and if we succeed to include those in our success too on whom we never relied then we are really actually giving back.
Thankyou for reading<33333.
Es increíble todo lo que pasa por mi cabeza al leer este artículo... Recuerdos de mi mamá dejándome en mi primer día de clase y yo llorando porque sentía miedo. Recuerdos de mi colegio, mi infancia, mis juegos, mis amigos. El cambio tan brutal en la vida universitaria donde aprendí a elegir por mí misma mi camino de vida. El revisar mis publicaciones de años atrás me avergüenza pero también me hace reír y ser consciente de lo mucho que uno madura con los años. Me encantó tu post. Saludos!